Lonely Planet: Moscow's famous dead

Come and keep your comrade warm

Dwarfed by the Kremlin wall behind it, Lenin's granite tomb looks not unlike a cowpat with the edges squared off. The embalmed leader has been on show since his death in 1924, apart from a short retreat to the Urals during WW II. No rest for the (ahem) famous. From 1953 to 1961 he shared his resting place with Uncle Joe Stalin - Joe's now been shunted off to one of the surrounding tombs.

Lenin looks quite snappily dressed, considering the circumstances, and his polka-dot tie sets off his five o'clock stubble and ashen features quite nicely. You could be forgiven for thinking Mme Tussaud may have had a hand in his embalming, though. Lenin shares his trip through the afterlife with a dozen Soviet leaders, many now in disgrace back here on earth.

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