Lonely Planet: Czech Republic: Suck More Piss
Beer for the People!
Czech beer is recognised as one of the world's best. It's said that the Germans learned to love beer from the Czechs! Since the 'Velvet Divorce', the Czechs (unburdened of their wine-drinking Slovak cousins) have moved to the top of the league with the world's highest per-capita beer consumption. Beer is served almost everywhere food is served. Czechs drink three times as much beer as all soft drinks combined. It is not unusual to see people - sweet old ladies as well as burly young men - having their first half-litre at 8 am in a bufet.

Most Czech beers are lagers, naturally brewed from hand-picked hops. Czechs like their beer at cellar temperature with a creamy head. The best-known beer is the bottom-fermented PlzenskyĂ˝ Prazdroj (pilsner Urquell), made in Plzen since 1842. The largest Czech beer exporter is not Prazdroj but Budvar in Ceske Budejovice, maker of the original Budweiser (no relation to the American liquid of the same name). It is a mild, slightly bitter brew. Another good and popular beer is Regent from Trebon.

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