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This is a region of open rounded tops plunging into steep gullies. Mt Bogong (1986m), the highest peak in Victoria, stands proudly separate. It's good to have company now; to laugh at each others' falls, to talk of other adventures, of life's strange twists.

To reach Bogong involved a 1000m descent from the High Plains to cross the Big River, followed by a 1000m climb up the mountain. It was 24 hours of highs and lows. Early on I had a frightening experience when I managed to get tangled in a handchain across the flooded Big River. My head was forced under by the current; it seemed an age before adrenaline kicked in and I heaved my way across to the far bank. Then we skied to the summit of Bogong on a stunning morning; sun flooding across a cloud sea, panoramic views, snow kicked up below skis. Pleasure ended in pain. By the end of that day I had horrendous blisters, hobbling along at less than snail's pace for another late night finish. I lay mentally and physically exhausted in the tent, certain the journey was over for some days.

Lonely Planet
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