------------------- Original Message ---------------

Sent: 11 listopada 1999 19:24

October 1, 1999
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (contact mailto:copyright@rtmark.com )


Every day, thousands of people looking for the Internet sites of the ultra- right party in Austria (http://www.fpo.at), a Liberal candidate in Australia ( http://www.realjeff.com ), the Mayor of New York ( http://yesrudy.com ), and a copyright lobbying group ( http://www.grayday.org ) end up very confused.

Each of the sites listed above is a "rogue" -- a nearly identical version of a "real" site
( http://www.fpoe.at, http://www.jeff.com.au, http://www.rudyyes.com, and http://www.greyday.org, respectively), altered to make a political point. The trend may have begun with the http://yesrudy.com site, which resembles http://rudyes.com so closely that an aide with the opposing campaign admitted in the New York Times to being misled (see http://rtmark.com/pressyrd.html and http://rtmark.com/bush.html).

WWW.FPO.AT or www.fpoe.at? (contact unknown / mailto:joerg.haider@fpoe.at)

Earlier this week, Austria's third-largest party, which was formed from the leftovers of the Nazi party, was shocked and distressed to find itself extensively and subtly mocked.

The official website of the Freiheitlichen Partei Oesterreichs, which is considered very likely to become part of Austria's government after this Sunday's closely-watched elections, is http://www.fpoe.at/. http://www.fpo.at takes advantage of the fact that in German, the letter "o" with an umlaut can be written either as "o" or "oe"; the "FPO" site looks identical to the official FPOe site, but links directly to more overtly Nazi sites, replaces words like "information" with "propaganda," and makes use of many other instructive replacements.

Like George W. Bush with GWBush.com (see http://rtmark.com/bush.html ), the FPOe is using every legal tactic to shut down the rogue site, including a U.S. copyright suit (the "FPO"'s service provider is American) and appeals to the Austrian Minister of the Interior. But like Bush with the original GWBush.com site, the FPOe has so far been unable to stop this attack on its ideas and intentions.

German-language press about the "FPO" site, from earlier this week, is at:

WWW.REALJEFF.COM or www.jeff.com.au?
(contact mailto:realjeff99@yahoo.com / http://www.liberal.org.au/cgi-bin/mail.cgi )

Australian Liberal candidate Jeff Kennett joins the FPOe and Presidential hopeful George W. Bush in attempting to shut down Internet opposition--in Kennett's case, http://www.realjeff.com, which mocks Kennett's http://www.jeff.com.au.

But Kennett's tactics are quieter than those of the FPOe and Bush. Addr.com ( mailto:info@addr.com ), until three weeks ago the Internet provider of http://www.realjeff.com, suddenly suspended its hosting without explanation, and has ignored repeated inquiries regarding the matter. Also, Kennett's http://www.jeff.com.au now merely defaults to the Liberal Party website, as if to avoid comparison.

WWW.GRAYDAY.ORG or www.greyday.org?
(contact mailto:press@grayday.orgmailto:press@greyday.org )

Today, many Internet visitors will visit http://www.grayday.org hoping to learn more about "GreyDay," an annual call for stricter copyright laws for the Web. Last year, the October 1 event was written about in the New York Times, Wired News and the Village Voice.

But whereas http://www.greyday.org calls for more copyright protection, http://www.grayday.org urges visitors to keep the Internet "free from phony copyright laws." Its authors, a team of Silicon Valley software programmers and graphic designers who call themselves Tell-all Computer Programmers & Internet Professionals (TCP/IP), claim to represent "the millions of people who have benefited and will continue to benefit from the free exchange of ideas, the hallmark of the Internet."

There are many other subtle differences between the two sites. Whereas GreyDay.org urges Internet users to imagine "what if" copyright infringement leads to a lack of creativity on the Web, the spoof site implores visitors to imagine "what if there was no WWW... no Internet."

According to TCP/IP spokesperson Cecil Park, "The call for more copyright laws on the Web is especially absurd considering the Web itself was made possible by the copyright-free distribution of the first Web browser [Mosaic] and the most popular Web server software [Apache]."

(The name TCP/IP is a pointed insiders' joke. It stands not only for "Tell-all Computer Programmers & Internet Professionals," but for "Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol," the software at the heart of the Internet that was given away without copyright in 1981 by programmers at the U.S. Government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.)

RTMark ( http://rtmark.com ) uses its limited liability as a corporation to sponsor the sabotage of mass-produced products, and to discuss corporate abuses of the political process. One of RTMark's ultimate aims is to eliminate the principle of limited liability.

áááááááááááááááááááá # 30 #

If you have received multiple copies of this notice and wish to receive
only one, please remove as above all address versions but one.

------------------- Original Message ---------------

From: Jerzy Truszkowski Institut of Critical Art Warsaw < icawaw@polbox.com >
To: Ryszard Ziarkiewicz < magazynsztuki@home.pl >
Sent: 24 pa╝dziernika 1999 06:01


Projekt spo│eczny.

  1. Wielk▒ (rozmiarami) instytucjΩ artystyczn▒ (AkademiΩ Sztuk PiΩknych, Muzeum Sztuki, Narodowe lub OkrΩgowe, Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki, GaleriΩ Narodow▒, Pa±stwow▒ GaleriΩ Sztuki, Miejsk▒ GaleriΩ Sztuki, Centrum Sztuki Wsp≤│czesnej) nale┐y zamieniµ w

  2. Niepe│nosprawni maj▒ mniejsze szanse na zaspokojenie seksualne ni┐ pe│nosprawni. Parali┐ lub brak ko±czyn pozbawia ich czΩsto mo┐liwo╢ci osi▒gniΩcia orgazmu. Organizm ludzki jest tak zaprogramowany genetycznie, ┐e jedynie prze┐ycie orgazmu (w towarzystwie os≤b, na kt≤re jest zafiksowany w dzieci±stwie) daje cz│owiekowi poczucie satysfakcji. Wsp≤│czucie nakazuje nam poprawiµ sytuacjΩ upo╢ledzonych pod tym wzglΩdem niepe│nosprawnych.

  3. Peep show jest miejscem, w kt≤rym mΩ┐czy╝ni (potencjalnie r≤wnie┐ kobiety) osi▒gaj▒ satysfakcjΩ seksualn▒ onanizuj▒c siΩ i ogl▒daj▒c rozbieraj▒ce siΩ kobiety (kt≤re te┐ onanizuj▒ siΩ czΩsto lub udaj▒, ┐e onanizuj▒ siΩ). Za dodatkow▒ op│at▒ mo┐na dotykaµ lub byµ dotykanym (dotykan▒) przez tancerki (tancerzy).

  4. Niepe│nosprawni (i niepe│nosprawne !!!) powinni / powinne mieµ mo┐liwo╢µ bezp│atnego dojazdu wygodnym ╢rodkiem lokomocji w dowolnej porze do instytucji zmienionej w peep show (np. samochodem Pana / Pani Dyrektor - generalnie samochody w spo│ecze±stwie powinny s│u┐yµ jedynie niepe│nosprawnym i starcom, osoby sprawne mog▒ chodziµ, biegaµ, skakaµ oraz korzystaµ ze ╢rodk≤w komunikacji publicznej).

  5. Pracowniczki i pracownicy wielkiej instytucji dotychczas artystycznej, a docelowo hedonistycznej, powinne / powinni rozbieraµ siΩ, ta±czyµ, onanizowaµ siΩ oraz onanizowaµ niepe│nosprawne Panie i Pan≤w (generalnie powinno udzielaµ siΩ pomocy kobietom, kt≤re nie potrafi▒ osi╣gn▒µ orgazmu - literatura i fachowcy powinni byµ dostΩpni).

  6. Finansowanie instytucji zmienionej w peep show pozostaje bez zmian. Finansuje j▒ bud┐et pa±stwa. Redystrybucja ╢rodk≤w finansowych zebranych w formie podatk≤w nabiera w ten spos≤b sensu, gdy┐ s│u┐y wyr≤wnaniu dysproporcji w zaspokajaniu podstawowej potrzeby ludzkiej, a nie s│u┐y dostarczaniu zysk≤w wielkim firmom przewozowym i ubezpieczeniowym, kt≤re czerpi▒ najwiΩcej zysk≤w z organizowania wystaw sztuki. Niepe│nosprawno╢µ wynika z przyczyn losowych. Solidaryzm spo│eczny i gatunkowy nakazuje pomoc niepe│nosprawnym. (nie mo┐na m≤wiµ, ┐e kto╢ jest sam odpowiedzialny za swoj╣ niepe│nosprawno╢µ - ka┐demu mo┐e siΩ to przytrafiµ).

  7. Niepe│nosprawne i niepe│nosprawni powinni uzyskiwaµ skuteczn▒ pomoc w uzyskiwaniu satysfakcji seksualnej bez uiszczania op│at. Osoby nie mog▒ce uzyskaµ orgazmu z powodu uszkodzenia uk│adu nerwowego powinny m≤c korzystaµ bezp│atnie ze stymulacji bezpo╢redniej o╢rodk≤w rozkoszy w m≤zgach (wszczepianie elektrod). Wsp≤│pracΩ z instytucjami naukowymi w tym zakresie powinien koordynowaµ Media Art. Festival WRO.

  8. Projekt sporz▒dzi│: Jerzy Truszkowski, Warszawa © 1995. Wszystkie prawa zastrze┐one.

[ Projekt ten zachwyci│ Marka Go┐dziewskiego, kuratora w Cetrum Sztuki Wsp≤│czesnej Zamek Ujazdowski w Warszawie. W 1997 r. proponowa│ jego realizacjΩ.
Wed│ug autora projektu w galeriach CSW zbudowany zosta│by prawdziwy peep show z pracownicami i pracownikami wynagradzanymi przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki lub jak▒╢ fundacjΩ, dostΩpny dla niepe│nosprawnych, kt≤rzy otrzymaliby mo┐liwo╢µ dojazdu do swego peep showu. Kurator Go╝dziewski zaproponowa│, by i pe│nosprawni poznali sytuacjΩ przemieszcania siΩ na w≤zkach inwalidzkich: mogliby äzwiedzaµ wystawΩ" przykuci do w≤zk≤w. Projekt nie zosta│ zrealizowany z powod≤w niezale┐nych od projektodawcy i kuratora.
Komu╢ zabrak│o odwagi, by zamiast topiµ pieni▒dze w beznadziejnym pokazywaniu dzie│ sztuki äo niczym", pom≤c komu╢ rzeczywi╢cie tego potrzebuj▒cemu. ]


W ╢rodΩ 27. pa╝dziernika o godz. 18. zosta│a otwarta wystawa PEEP SHOW DLA NIEPEúNOSPRWANYCH w Galerii Promocyjnej w Warszawie, Staromiejski Dom Kultury, Rynek Starego Miasta 2. Autorowi wystawy, Jerzemu Truszkowskiemu wrΩczono nagrodΩ kwartalnika EXIT za rok 1999.

------------------- Original Message ---------------

Sent: 20 listopada 1999 16:43

Don't forget you can use our chat page at http://nyartsmagazine.com/bbs/
and post; openings, news, events, questions and debate the issues.
Join the international art community and NY Arts in its rapid expansion on
the web and in print at http://nyartsmagazine.com
NY Arts Magazine #37, November 1999 issue features:

Mob RuleShows: Art Moving, Bingo Hall, Eyewash, Flip Side, Leo Koenig,áááá
áá Momenta, Pierogi 2000, Star Sixty-Seven.

11 letter to Giuliani
by Mark von Schlegell

13 Other Considerations:"SENSATION" a conversation withá Charlotta Kotik
by Horace Brockington

14 Minimalia: Reduction, Phenomenology, and Essence
by Robert C. Morgan

17áVisiting Joan Jonas with Rachel Yuens

by H. Zinnes

20áSVA digital Salon 60 students/artists

22 Art: Nature or counternature
by Wolfgang Becker

by Jane Gang

27 Whitney and MoMA Look Ahead Into the Past
by Harriet Zinnes

29 Whats Old-Fashioned?
by Piri Halasz

33áArt (Out) of This Century
by H. B.

by M. Meikle

37áThe Transcendental..
by James Kalm

byáJane Gang & Millree Hughe

40 Daze on Muralists

42 Stray Dog: The photographs of Daido Moriyama
by James Trainor

45 Cuba

46 BalthusáGeorge Saru
by Valery Oisteanu


49ácenterfold with Elaine Reichek

52 The Constellations of Francesco Clemente

áááá 54 Downing Project
by Shin Yi

55áChildren of Berlin

57áAndre Masson

59áE.W. Godwin: Aesthetic Movement Architect and Designer.
by Ana Maria Torres

60 Chilean Architecture: Mathias Klotz

63 The Essl Collection of Contemporary Art

64áFrom New York to Tel Aviv
by Lori Nozick

66áIssey Miyake Making Things
by A. M. Torres

67áLetter from Paris
by Nina Zivancevic

68áDazzling by Design:
by Theodore Bouloukos

69 Reviews/previews
Ron Ehrlich @ Stephen Haller,
NY2K: A Cultural Survival Kit for the New Millennium @ CHARAS/ el Bohio,
Another City for Another Life: Constant's New Babylon @ The Drawing Center
Joan Jonas Videos @ Pat Hearn Gallery
Thoughts in Sculpture @Montclair State University
Trevor Winkfield @ Tibor de Nagy
Drawing in the Present Tense" @ Parsons School of Design Gallery -
Janet Kusmierski Paintings @ Elizabeth Harris Gallery,
Yuri Kuper @ Yoshii Gallery
Mara Held @ Christiane Nienaber Gallery,
Eckhard Etzold,á @Au Base
"Why Draw a Landscape?" @Karen McCready Fine Art
Photic II with @ Eyewash
Carrol Dunham @ Metro Pictures
John Currin @ Andrea Rosen
Alex Katz @ Brent Sikkema
John Wesleyá @ Jessica Fredericks Gallery
Kiki Lamers @ CRG
iki Smith @ Pace Wildenstein
Justine Kurland @ Patrick Callery Gallery
Jerry Kearns @ P.P.O.W.
In black and white @á Admit One Gallery
Andreas Slominski @ Metro Pictures
Tim Steele @ Rare Gallery
lem Crosby & Ulrich Wellmann @ Patricia Sweetow Gallery
Masami Teraoka @ Catharine Clark Gallery
Juan Sanchez @ El Museo del Barrio
"The Lottery" @ The Rotunda Gallery
KuniΘ Sugiura @ Leslie Tonkonow Artworks and Projects
Julie Roberts @ Sean Kelly Gallery
"Cildo Meireles" @ The New Museum of Contemporary Art
"Inverted Odysseys" @ Grey Art Gallery, New York University
Cocktails" @ Sothebys
Robert Creely @New York Public Library

83áPicks Christopher Chambers

90 Krzysztof Wodiczko - Critical Vehicles: Writings, Projects, Interviews LISTINGS

98 the photo of the month

-Copyright © NY Arts Magazine, 1999.

...and more on our web site....

NY Arts Magazine
473 Broadway, 7fl
New York, NY 10013

------------------- Original Message ---------------



symboliczne improwizacje, arytmiczne znaki, has│a, manifesty, partytury, edycje, instalacje, obiekty, multiple, dzia│ania o wielowarstwowym kontek╢cie i zasiΩgu. Akcja miΩdzynarodowa, inicjowana przez Knuth / Mazzoll & Diffusion Ensemble, "Delikatesy Avantgarde".


Oto co m≤wi o projekcie jego inicjator Robert Knuth "...Dlaczego taka sztuka?, Dlaczego sztuka kosztuje tyle ile kosztuje? Czy s▒ to warto╢ci umowne? Czy chodzi o manualny warsztat czy o g│Ωbokie warto╢ci?
Skutkiem akcji "Sztuka 100 Z│otych", bΩdzie stworzenie jednorazowego b▒d╝ sta│ego funduszu, kt≤ry wesprze dzia│ania ludzi m│odych. O wykorzystaniu funduszu wiΩkszo╢ci▒ g│os≤w decydowaµ bΩd▒ uczestnicy akcji. Nawet je┐eli w rezultacie fundusz ten by│by zaledwie symboliczny to w gruncie rzeczy chodzi o spowodowanie otwartej dyskusji nad istot▒ wszelkiej sztuki, stanem edukacji artystycznej, fa│szywie pojmowan▒ wirtuozeri▒ artystyczn▒ i tradycj▒ oraz stanem socjalnym m│odych artyst≤w, etc. R≤wnie┐ wskazania na problem miΩdzyludzkiej komunikacji i jej permanentny deficyt, a tak┐e wyst▒pienia przeciwko hipokryzji sztuki mog▒ mieµ miejsce.
0d 15 pa╝dziernika w Zamku Ujazdowskim mo┐na kupiµ edycjΩ prac na papierze i obiekt≤w asygnowanych przez Knuth, Mazzoll , Olga Szwajgier. Wkr≤tce pojawi▒ siΩ r≤wnie┐ prace innych artyst≤w zaproszonych do SZTUKI 100 ZúOTYCH. M. in.: ALVARADO, BELINA, BOEHLE, DROESE, GUSTOWSKA, KOWALD, NIESLONY, ROBAKOWSKI, ROGULUS, SZWAJGIER, I INNI.Projekt realizowany bΩdzie przez ca│y nastΩpny rok."

c. d. n .

kontakt: blauHOFFER multiple art. / e-mail: blauhoffer@blauhoffer.com

------------------- Original Message ---------------

Sent: 20 listopada 1999 17:22

RTMark agreed to donate their own URL, http://rtmark.com/, to house the new WTO site for the next few weeks. All of the usual RTMark content is present in the new site, though in a somewhat different order than usual.

RTMark has donated websites to the George W. Bush presidential campaign (formerly http://GWBush.com, now archived at http://rtmark.com/bush.html) and, most recently,
to New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani ( http://yesrudy.com/ ).

With this newest donation, as with the earlier ones, RTMark hopes to help the beneficiary clarify its efforts and aims, previously presented in a muddy and misleading fashion (at http://www.wto.org/).

WTO Director Mike Moore expressed his enthusiasm for the clarified site:
"I just hope they are as reasonable as we try to be and that we engage in an intellectual, democratic way without any media terrorism." (Washington Post, 2 November 1999)
Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. Trade Representative to the WTO, chimed in with an expression of hope:
"The single greatest threat to the multilateral trade system is the absence of public support." (Financial Times, 11 October 1999)

Happy Millennium Round! RTMark

------------------------- Komunikat prasowy ----------------------

XXXIV Og≤lnopolski Konkurs Malarstwa BIELSKA JESIE╤ '99
pod patronatem Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Galeria Bielska BWA Bielsko-Bia│a

Og≤lnopolski Konkursie Malarstwa BIELSKA JESIE╤ organizowany jest od 1962 r. Od wielu lat jest najwa┐niejszym konkursem dla malarzy profesjonalnych, kt≤rzy maj▒ mo┐liwo╢µ nie tylko zdobycia poka╝nych nagr≤d pieniΩ┐nych, ale i promocji swojej sztuki.

W 34 edycji konkursu wziΩ│o udzia│ 248 autor≤w, kt≤rzy zg│osili 960 prac.

Jury w sk│adzie:

do wystawy pokonkursowej wybra│o 88 prac 38 autor≤w.

15 listopada 1999 r. odby│o siΩ posiedzenie jury, kt≤re przyzna│o nastΩpuj▒ce nagrody i wyr≤┐nienia:

Wyr≤┐nienia (ka┐de - z wyj▒tkiem dw≤ch - po 1 500 z│) otrzymali:

Otwarcie wystawy i rozdanie nagr≤d odbΩdzie siΩ w pi▒tek 19 listopada o godz. 18.00.
Przed wernisa┐em o godz. 16.30 przewodnicz▒cy jury, Jaros│aw Modzelewski przedstawi dziennikarzom werdykt jury wraz z uzasadnieniem i odpowie na pytania - zapraszamy!
Wernisa┐ u╢wietni koncert jazzowy Marka Batorskiego z zespo│em.

NastΩpnego dnia, w sobotΩ 20 listopada o godz. 11.00 problematyka malarstwa wsp≤│czesnego bΩdzie omawiana na sesji naukowej, w kt≤rej udzia│ zapowiedzieli - opr≤cz artysty malarza Jaros│awa Modzelewskiego - historycy i krytycy sztuki: Jolanta Ciesielska, Bo┐ena Czubak, Marek Go╝dziewski, Agnieszka Rayzacher, Agata Smalcerz, Marek ªwica. Ka┐dy, kogo interesuje wsp≤│czesna sztuka mo┐e uczestniczyµ w wyk│adach. Materia│y z sesji zostan▒ wydane drukiem.

Wystawie towarzyszy katalog projektowany przez Wies│awa úysakowskiego, z tekstami
(i t│umaczeniami na jΩzyk angielski) Jaros│awa Modzelewskiego i Adama Szymczyka, notami biograficznymi uczestnik≤w wystawy oraz reprodukcjami prac. Widzowie zwiedzaj▒cy wystawΩ mog▒ wzi▒µ udzia│ w konkursie publiczno╢ci na najlepszy obraz BIELSKIEJ JESIENI.

Konkurs zrealizowano przy pomocy finansowej Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Samorz▒du Wojew≤dztwa ªl▒skiego oraz UrzΩdu Miejskiego w Bielsku-Bia│ej.

Wystawa czynna jest do 26 grudnia 1999 r. codziennie z wyj▒tkiem poniedzia│k≤w w godz. 10.00 - 17.00, w soboty i niedziele w godz. 10.00 - 16.00.

Galeria Bielska BWA
43-300 Bielsko-Bia│a, ul. 3 Maja 11, tel. 033/ 812 58 61, fax. 812 41 19
e-mail: galeriabielska@pro.onet.pl
dyrektor: Ma│gorzata Kubica-Bilska
komisarz konkursu: Bo┐ena Tomczak-Wrona

------------------- Original Message ---------------

From: Vesna@Manojlov.ic.YU
Subject: [SERBIA]

Memorial Library of Emigrants
Old and New Media as Communication Tools for Translocated

It's a good place to describes translocal interconnections between people, countries, ideas and books, between diaspora and local public, by usage of electronic media.

In the country which was doomed to become Former, in the war and breaking the country up into number of smaller ones, lots of people become translocated: refugees; ones stayed lost between new countries, suddenly not belonging anywhere, unable to visit or even hear/read from old friends, family. Couples in mixed marriages and their children had to search for new identity. The most important for the Library project, and for me personally, are two categories: Children's Room People and Brain Drain.

Two years ago I moved from my parents' home, to live on my own (that was the first time that I realized that I can't carry my library with me). That is very unusual today in Serbia, where a "Children's Room Syndrome" exists: young people, in age from 20 to 40, remain living in their 'children room', and waiting for their parents to die, so they can spread out into living room. There are certainly economical reasons for this: no jobs, no help from the government, housing is not solved. But, even more important reasons are psychological: society is still very traditional, families are strongly bonded together, parents are not raising their children to be independent, ?children? are not capable to take responsibility for their life.

During last 10 years more then 400.000 people left Serbia as Intellectual Gastarbaiters, mostly to Canada, New Zealand, USA and rarely to "Fortress Europe". Those countries are profiting from getting well educated experts for free, but still it?s getting harder to get into them. But, the government is not worried about this Intellectual Genocide. That even seems to suit it: the less educated people are the easier is to manipulate them. There are no attempts to create new jobs, better living conditions, better social policy. Instead, they are making situation even worse, introducing even more restrictive Law Against University and new taxes for unmarried people. My generation is now faced with duality of being Emigrants /Immigrants, depends on what side of the border we are.

The majority of young people that left were building their education and personality on - books. The books were the ones that had to abandon together with the country, left with parents or friends, laying forgotten in the attics and cellars. The importance of possessing books for me is: to have them available for re-reading and refreshing ideas that I picked up from them; being able to lend them to people that I care about; creating an image of myself out of the list of my favorite books; as an escape from: poisonous media blockade, turbo-culture, and anti-utopist reality? For all these functions, I don't have to keep books myself -- they can be in the Library.

Memorial Library of Emigrants can collect all abandoned books and save them from being lost, destroyed, having them available to help people who are left: to educate them and encourage them. It will help keeping track of books and people, making small circles/networks/collectives based on their affiliation towards (same) books, and by keeping details of donor?s and readers contact data. It will be the monument of criticism of reasons for emigrations, and pointer of quality and quantity of emigrants.

Library will be composed from three parts: real - a physical home for abandoned books and a meeting place for people who love them; spiritual - the memory of the people who left and spirits of writers, readers? and all ideas that are in the books; virtual - community connected with Internet services.

Physical version of the Library will have all the classic facilities: lending, copying, and exchanging? It will be a place to read books that can?t be taken away. It will have a tea-room for discussions and meeting people, and the part with the access to the computers and Internet. The translocated people are invited to leave their books - or at least one - in the Library. Each book will bare the donor's name, in the special ex-libris. Books can be given to the Library as gifts, or just borrowed and remains the personal possession of the donor, and will be given back on demand. Borrowing books from the Library is for free. The concept of membership still exists, but just for the records. Entrance fee is existing and is - one book a year.

In the digital part, the most important is the database. It will contain data about people: personal data, contact address (e-mail, www?), some "historical" details, list of given books, and data about books: all the details (title, writer, publisher, dates?), who gave it to the library and when, who was reading it, what other books were reading people who read that book, comments? The main models for this database structure are Who Is Where - database of engineers from ETF Belgrade, and Amazon.com.

By searching this database, donors and members will be able to get in contact with each other, with old friends, with readers? Second important part is Internet facilities. Library's server should be able to offer web based free personal email, home for homeless homepages, chat, discussion lists, mailing lists, database search and update from the Net. The Library can take part in the growing action of publishing electronic books.

Since the all activities of the Library are going to be non-profit, there will be a need for funding them. Expenses such as: adequate space, running costs, equipment, employees? will be covered by some sponsors. Employees can be students of librarian studies, or pensioners. At the beginning it would be impossible to gather enough books just from individual donors, so other institutions would be asked for help: funds, libraries, publishing houses, rich ex-Yugoslavs, cultural centers, ex-yu clubs, student organizations. The venue of the Library appears as an another problem: I was considering Belgrade, Petnica Science Center, Amsterdam or even traveling (mobile) Library. For examples I was using: Hippies' Libraries in Kathmandu, described by Stevan Pesic; Walking Libraries in "Fahrenheit 451", Ray Bradbury?

Internet is already widely used to connect people from Post-Yugoslavia, providing different things to them: basic communication, media coverage, help in activism & civil disobedience, e-ducation, virtual neighborhoods? The basic thing that connects us is that we have the (almost) same language: Serb/Croat/Bosnian. During the war/sanctions we had ZaMir network, university, Sezam, SetNet, YUCCA and OpenNet. In that period, web hosting of majority of Serbian language sites was hosted in CA & USA. Now, there are several mailing lists, IRC #serbia, discussion groups... On the media scene, it?s important to mention Real Audio broadcast of Radio B92 and some other stations, on-line news services, newspapers, magazines? Part of government in this is to control information by implementing laws, taxes, closing and banning electronic media; to force censorship, and present dis-information on official sites.

During one year, Classroom education team gave lectures about basic computer and Internet possibilities to more then 150 elderly people, so they could communicate with their children abroad. In cooperation with "University for the Third Age", American Center and Soros fund, they were enabled to use Internet for one hour a day for free. The project moved to specially established "classroom" just for these purposes, and group of 10 best "pupils" was trained to become instructors for the next intake. Several groups of students from non-technology schools were given basic courses about Internet. And in Cinema Rex was organized educational program for artists that I took part in. Besides, I had a two-year long series of articles for elementary school magazine "Internet for children". There is alternative e-scape usage for students: finding a job abroad, finding a scholarship, filling in the application for the Green Card Lottery... The Peace School experience was encouraging. In Tuzla, Bosnia, for the initiative of the humanitarian organization Connect, Internet center was formed for the group of disabled woman and man "Lotosice".

The Library will benefit to citizens and community by sharing knowledge and
experience and creating social and technological bonds in "integral"
Yugoslavia that virtually still exists in memories and on the Internet.


Student Protest 96/97

University protest 98

AntiWar Campaign

Otpor! (Resistance!)

ETF monkeys



Peace School

OpenNet Classroom


Against Windmills

Tactical Education (n5m)







Tuzla RA broadcast


Project Gutenberg

Books online





Global Bangemann Challenge


Petnica Science Center



------------------- Original Message ---------------

From: Jari Lager < Jari@vtostudios.force9.net >
To: Cwehlisch@aol.com
Subject: VTO - rasmus knud


rasmus knud

The Soccergette Firm
27th November-19th December 1999
working class strategy

VTO is proud to present the first siting of the Soccergette Firm on these shores. Presented as a melding of fiction and fact, the Soccergette Firm exists as part of a documentation of projects by the danish artists collaborative, rasmus knud.

Consisting of a fanzine (There's a Strong Smell), a celebratory fan must-have CD (Some Girls...), and video documentation of the Seven Sisters March (a demonstration of "different stages of commitment, ecstasy and individual crisis"), rasmus knud has created a fictitious group identity, the Seven Sisters Club of female footballers. Existing as a parallel present that mixes up the history of the Suffragettes and the crisis of group and personal identity, the Seven Sisters Club is proudly supported by the Soccergette Firm, who produce this material, and through whom this merchandise can be obtained.

Isolating a social structure (football and its supporters) to investigate the position of identity in the nineties, rasmus knud has created an entire enclosed system, imitating it's music, merchandise, it's idol worshipping press and its language. Football is used by many as a group identity within which one can obliterate structured individual identity. Through the Soccergette Firm, rasmus knud suggest a more fluid and simulated form of identity that resists stereotyped categories and resemblances. They suggest a 'could-have-been' past as the potential for a 'might-well-be' future in both the sport and the culture that both surrounds it and is framed by it.

In seeking for a rhizomatic and fragmented history of cultural formation, the group identity that forms < B>rasmus knud searches for an identity that is "encircled if not identified." Like other artists concerned with social structure and identity, rasmus knud look at the prevailing present and the systems that it produces. Unlike these other artists, however, rasmus knud suggest that under the deluge of identity that we are presented with, a fictitious group identity may well be as useful and productive as a real one. Through this notion of changeable and mobile identity, rasmus knud attempt to wrestle with the problem of attempting a cohesive group identity today.

Come along and join the march.

rasmus knud has recently shown at No Standing, Galleri Rhizom in Aarhus, Denmark Future projects include: Reasons for knocking at an Empty House, at av-mobil in Stockholm, January 2000 Momentum, Nordic biennale of contemporary art, Moss in Norway, May 2000

Presented by Jari Lager

For more information contact VTO, 96 Teesdale Street, London, E2 6PU
Telephone 0171 729 5629
e-mail: Jari@vtostudios.force9.co.uk
Bethnal Green Underground
Open Friday to Sunday 11 am - 6pm or by appointment