sweden&finland: deformed identity[ c o n t e n t ]
8 (4/95)
in search of swedish nature   
- going beyond the threshold of people's home...
goran sonesson...
the elite's conspiracy against welfare...
tom sandqvist...
you can never get away   
from being responsible for what you create...
eva-lotta holm talks to tuija lindstr÷m...
i love the elegance of line...
sven-olov wallenstein talks to maya eizin...
the artist - a victim of circumstances   
an interview with lars nilsson...
sven-olov wallenstein...
new reality installations, actions and investigations   
in the swedish art of the 1990s...
john peter nilsson...
returning to private worlds - back to basics...
sven-olov wallenstein...
the grotesque moment: corpo/real anxietes...
arja elovirta...
seeing red ideology, politics and the finnish art of the 1990s...
leena-maija rossi...
searching for a balance in chaos   
an interview with lea and pekka kantonen...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz...
to be alive not perfect...
│ukasz guzek talks to roy vaara...
screen memories - description of a project...
heidi tikka...
the power of corporality...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz talks to heidi tikka...
balme yourself an interview with teemu maru...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz...
muu in finnish means other...
irmeli kokko interviewed by beata maciejewska...
back to the basic questions...
rita roos talks to maaretta jaukkuri...
from national values to the universal sphere   
of extra-verbal qualities - the long road of finnish painting...
timo valjakka...
visiting stockholm...
ewa mikina...