the thaw or polish syndrom[ c o n t e n t ]
11 (3/96)
the historical dimension of the thaw   
interview with piotr piotrowski...
bo┐ena czubak...
the thaw or polish syndrome...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz...
zbigniew d│ubak: from constituted meaning   
to the constitution of meaning...
leszek brogowski...
tadeusz mys│owski: the whole and the sense,  
the fragment of the monsters...
leszek brogowski...
jadwiga's room, or between the trace and the gesture   
(about the art of roland szefferski)...
beata frydryczak...
genealogical feminimalizm andrea fraser and renee green...
goschka gawlik...
the identity of art - the identity of the artist   
about the work of j≤zef robakowski...
ryszard w. kluszczy±ski...
cyberspace - a feminist point of view...
heidi tikka...
katarzyna kozyra's representations of the body...
jerzy truszkowski...
"either we are in our own place, or we are not here at all"   
"if you are here, you know why you are here"...
marzena b. guzowska...
london calling...
pawe│ leszkowicz...