nihilism of the intellect[ c o n t e n t ]
10 (2/96
on my left palm i cut swastika,  
and leave its imprint on my forehead...
kazimierz piotrowski...
the structure of kulik...
jerzy truszkowski...
morbus hodgkin a deadly disease...
artur ┐mijewski...
beyond the old and new belief...
piotr piotrowski...
the marquise de body the identity of an art work...
ulla kartunen...
in dialogue with a male authority...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz...
zur theologie der telepraesenz...
hartmut boehme...
feminimasculin le sexe de l'art...
bo┐ena czubak...
robert gober...
pawe│ leszkowicz...
und morgen die ganze welt   
about the exhibition "ja i AIDS" (AIDS and me)...
artur ┐mijewski...