polish artist's prayer[ c o n t e n t ]
6-7 (2-3/95)
art in a somatic society...
kazimierz piotrowski...
a conversation with zbigniew libera...
adam szymczyk...
do you believe in god?...
an interview with robert rumas...
the human condition...
jolanta ciesielska...
original sin...
marek go╝dziewski...
favourite theory of art...
artur ┐mijewski...
looking is the most important thing...
jaros│aw suchan...
man among ambiwalences...
piotr piotrowski...
adam szymczyk...
responsibility and irresponsibility   
on arboreal architecture of magdalena abakanowicz...
ewa mikina...
the stranger revisited - and revisiting...
zygmunt bauman...
the strategies of art an interview with krzysztof wodiczko...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz...
art of the media in a historical perspective   
thoughts provoked by multimediale '95...
ryszard kluszczy±ski...
the digital museum. telematic culture and artificial life...
roy ascott...
the sentient sign. totemic value of the artificial author...
simon biggs...
city and monument an interview with helena demakova...
marzena guzowska...
an interview with achille bonito oliva...
agnieszka zakrzewicz...
where is abel, thy brother? or asking questions in art...
bo┐ena czubak...
i need to dream...
an interview with anda rottenberg...
to string a bow...
marta tarabu│a talks to nawojka cie╢li±ska...
polish exoticism out of fashion...
an interview with alojzy ucher...
the good art starts from apery...
marta tarabu│a talks to rafa│ jab│onka...
let time work for us...
marta tarabu│a interviews marc scheps...