mutants' rebellion[ c o n t e n t ]
9 (1/96)
orlan: on the border between ethics and aesthetics...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz...
the body as a guarantee...
leszek brogowski...
bodys memory...
ma│gorzata lisiewicz...
modernity - postmodernity - deconstruction
reflections about cyberculture...
ryszard kluszczy±ski...
twenty centuries of virtual reality...
simon penny...
digital meditations seven ways   
of misunderstanding interactive art...
erkki huhtamo...
about lyotardconversation between: stefan morawski,  
beata frydryczak and jadwiga ciszewska...
magdalenan abakanowicz - an encounter with polish art...
dorota monkiewicz...
louise bourgeois: troubleswith the father   
and struggling with sculpture...
leszek brogowski...
mythologies of gallery...
ewa mikina...