
Reginfo is a tool for determining registration information. It is intended for use with Templeton©.

When an unregistered version of Templeton is run interactively, Templeton displays the registration information before retrieving files. But, when Templeton runs non-interactively it does not display the registration information. (Note: Registered versions of Templeton do not display the registration information.)

Reginfo can be used to display the available registration information. The registration information is used to generate a registration code for licensed users.

How to use Reginfo

To use Reginfo, run the executable at the command prompt. The program will display registration information, including:
[Main Menu] [How to Register]
Document revision: 29 Mar. 1998 for Templeton 3.000
Copyright 1996-1998 N.A. Krawetz
Modification, republication, and redistribution of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.