Due to the vast options available on most web servers, Templeton is not capable of retrieving some types of documents. These known limitations effect virtually all types of web robots and are described below. Many of these limitations are expected to be corrected in later releases, although currently no dates have been announced.
Prior to 1.970, probable CGI applications where placed in their own directories with the extension ".html" instead of ".gif" or ".jpg".
The filename may be changed in a later release.
Suppose there are 2 files: Welcome.html and Index.html. Welcome.html is the server's default filename, while Index.html is configured as Templeton's default filename. A single HTML file may refer to "/", "/Welcome.html", and "/Index.html". Assuming that the default directory file is the same as Templeton's would incorrectly store a copy of Welcome.html in the local Index.html file. Retrieving the file twice would resolve this issue.
Unfortunately, this also means a default server file called "Index.html" would be retrieved twice (once for "/" and once for "/Index.html"). Worse: if the default index is never specified by an HTML document, but a different remote file called "Index.html" is found, then the default directory data will be lost.
Since this is a Lose-Lose situation, Templeton will retrieve the file "Index.html" only once. Note, prior to version 1.951, Templeton would retrieve the file twice. After much debate, this option was changed.
How's that for a complicated situation?