Templeton's Features List

The features available in Templeton have been divided into categories for ease in browsing:
  1. Mirroring
  2. Restrictions
  3. Log files
  4. Network
  5. Advanced features


Several options are available when mirroring with Templeton:


To prevent unwanted wandering of Templeton across the entire World Wide Web, the search may be restricted. Templeton supports the following types of restrictions.

Log Files

Templeton provides a number of log files while it operates:


These features incorporate network information.

Advanced Features

Templeton has many features that are considered "advanced."
[Main Menu] [Option List] [Configuration] [Trademarks]
* Neal's Web Conjecture: Yahoo is reachable from within 8 links of any web page that has links to other machines.
Neal's Other Web Conjecture: You don't want to mirror or map Yahoo.
Document revision: 20 December 1998 for Templeton 3.000
Copyright 1996-1998 N.A. Krawetz
Modification, republication, and redistribution of this document is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.