ZEBULAND (Programm / accessory) (c) by JAY Software 5.1.1996 -added registration into INF file! (not needed registration after each start) 9.1.1996 -quit by keys (ctrl or alt +q) 24.1.1996 -removed error on writing INF with library. -implemented clipping rectangle (no more bad screen output) 31.1.1996 -added some hotkeys (see README file) -repaired mouse visibility -repaired year in background picture 1.2.1996 -made BETAversion (with many restrictions) to another file! and uploaded to InterNet 18.2.1996 -removed bug from rotation (gap under rotateable brick) 21.2.1996 -removed activation of any objects when the window is moved (used wind_update) 27.2.1996 -* special hotkeys -rebuilt the sound system and add more samples 4.3.1996 -implemented Help screen (Help key) -removed bug from best five 7.3.1996 -* another special hotkey -Zebuland runs on 640x400 or HIGHER resolutions; Maybe 8-( allways black&white ;-))) 12.3.1996 -best five is done (clear, ... ) -no more blinking faces when level starts 14.3.1996 -some sounds were added 16.3.1996 -confirmed running on 640x400 or HIGHER resolutions :-) thanks to Fufin and his FALCON (change from 7.3.1996) 19.3.1996 -there was added headers to level and library file in Editor now, when haven't the library file its header, it isn't loaded -repaired playing sound when you turn brick or switch player -changed files structure (zebu1st.ip) -currently implemeted sounds are now placed well 20.3.1996 -added sounds at the end (end level) 25.3.1996 -sound improvemets (brick down) 26.3.1996 -ZebuLand is able to recieve AP_TERM since now (MTos) -another sound improvements (undo) -repaired the button procedure (no repeat when it isn't needed) -> no more uregistering when Field is clicked -no outgoing by disabled buttons! 27.3.1996 -implemented demo (15 sec wait) -repaired saving INF file when is standart set back (levels) and when quitting 28.3.1996 -repaired mouse visibility when play and click to another window ( wind_update(.._mctrl) used) -switching between windows with Joystick control changed (modified proc drall !!! for par. -3) (isd ???) -Joystick control repaired (problems with assembler) 30.3.1996 -* another special hotkey 1.4.1996 -again repaired the button procedure (hope definitely) -removed bug from entering new level by code button -INF file must be in the home directory of application -turning off the beeps by keyboard improved 2.4.1996 -clearing WHOLE buffer after keyclick (no repeat !!!) -> no stopping keyboard, .... 9.4.1996 -included Final picture 10.4.1996 -Final picture stays after window redraw!!! -aua sound doesn't cause any beep since now -Final picture shows not after nonregistration 11.4.1996 -aua sound was wrong again 12.4.1996 - 7.20pm : Final picture shoes not when library is loaded - 7.41pm : Demo couldn't show last level now - 8.15pm : Repaired mistake at the end of game - 9.32pm : Mended Fpath 19.4.1996 -repaired 43th level solving 9.5.1996 (v1.01) -repaired 75th level solving 14.5.1996 (v1.02) -repaired saving while leving Best five 10.4.1997 (v1.15) -JagPad control implemented -cookie checking for Enhanced Joysticks -some alert (button) bugs fixed -INF file is searched in path, ... and saved on the same file 11.5.1997 -Play sokoban levels!!! -change player by 1..4 keys (on jagpad too) 12.5.1997 -repaired bug in testing sokoban end level 19.5.1997 -preparing to upgread to color version ->totally reprogrammed main process function ->Sokoban levels are still out of order 21.5.1997 -Sokoban levels functions now well 22.5.1997 -improved compression of levels (full compatible) 23.5.1997 -some movement improve 24.5.1997 (v1.25) -finished sokoban level and combination of both types (hope) 27.5.1997 -one more bug fixed in movement 30.5.1997 -added Sokoban library! (SOKOBAN.ZLB)