********** FREEWARE DEMOVERSION 1.0 ********** ATTENTION: Please, start your computer with CONTROL key. Better will be switch off your accelerators like FX, Nemesis, FT/20, Skunk, because they can cause problem and crash of the game. INTRODUCTION OF THE POWER UP GAME The Power up is race car game destined for Atari Computers ST, STE and Falcon with minimal 1 Mbytes of memory. The game uses a many types of atari hardware as a blitter, yamaha sound chip, dma sound and 5 hardware music cards. It works in low 320x200 points resolution in 32 colors with any TV or color monitor !. Whole game is coded in MC68000 code!!! The parameters of the game are set in tabular menus. Players can choose type of the game from four variants. In two players game is used the split screen. GAME INSTRUCTIONS ACTIVE KEYS IN MENUS: arrow up or down: moving up or down arrow left or right: selecting item or counting parameter down or up enter: selecting item space: selecting item esc: to go back to upper menu ctrl+right shift+"p": input password controlling by joy (at no-mouse connector) is identical to keys Every track can have password, which is defined by track editor. If you would use password to skip some tracks, then please type combination ctrl+right shift+"p" in any menu. HARDWARE SETUP: music: yamaha mono, ste stereo (25kHz, Falcon 50kHz), replay microdeal, replay professional, replay playback, MV 16 and prosound designer music quality: low, medium, high and ultra sound: yamaha fm (chip sounds), yamaha mono (digital), ste stereo blitter: on, off (where present) turbo mode: quick scrolling for Falcon only screen size: normal or small for slow normal ST GAME OPTIONS: All settings can be saved. By the help of option menu can be set parameters of game as player names, type of the game, difficulty (tracks), selecting own track by track selector,... Setting-up of the keyboard control in advanced options menu is very important. keyboard: red .. red car is controlled by keyboard and with first joystick (first joy is at no-mouse connector), blue car is controlled by second joystick (normal setting) blue .. blue car is controlled only by keyboard and red car is controlled by first joystick (for two-players game with only 1 joystick) If you would use your own track, then please set up track type to own ("tracks: own") and select track by track selector. (This selection is possible only at full version.) TRACK SELECTOR ACTIVE KEYS: esc: canceling shift+return: chosen file is veryfied !!!!!!! (OK!) return: choosing file arrows: moving of the cursor and selecting strip shift+arrows: quick moving of the selecting strip ctrl+arrows: moving to top or bottom tab: cursor moving to directory selection ctrl+"A": active is disk A F1: to go to up directory F2: reread directory ACTIVE KEYS IN RESULT LISTS: esc: skipping of the further result lists any key or joy moving: next result list ACTIVE KEYS IN GAME: esc: end of the game "p": pause arrow left or right: turning car arrow down: brake shift+arrow up: gear shifting up shift+arrow down: gear shifting down only shift: neutral gear (constant speed) none key: cars accelerate automaticly joystick: button is equal to shift key directions are like arrows joy left or right: turning car down: brake button+up: gear shifting up button+down: gear shifting down only button: neutral gear (constant speed) none action: cars accelerate automaticly TROUBLESHOOTING ADDENDUM a) On old Atari with TOS 1.0 may be some problems with loading files during playing of the music ("Read file error !, *.MAP). Solution of this problem is setting up music quality to low. b) Memory is overflow. Power up need minimal 1015 Kbytes of RAM memory (1Mbytes Atari, free memory is 9 Kbyte). You have to eliminate some resident programs as accessories, drivers,.... In case 1Mbytes with harddisk (harddisk driver in memory) you have to run game only from floppy disk. COMERCIAL INFORMATION This is limited version. The full comercial version contains a lot of tracks in five different graphics, comfort track editor for own tracks , more music and graphics. Price of full game with the track editor is 250 Kc for Czech republic and 20 DM for foreign customers. If you want to buy the Power up or to become a dealer, please contact us at address: Mr. Karel Rous Fisova 22 Brno 602 00 Czech republic tel.: 042-05/571 682 E-mail:CICHON@RTIME.FELK.CVUT.CZ programmer's team E-mail:xsumbe00@dcse.fee.vutbr.cz distribution NeST:90:1200/5.2 FidoNet:2:421/16.11 Team of authors programming: Marek Cichon, Martin Hejral graphics: Jiri Suchanek, Petr Pokorny distribution: Karel Rous