o------------------------------------------------------------------------o |This is the Crackman Registration Form. Please answer the questions and | |send this file together with the HISCORE file from the game directory to| |Phenomenon: fenomeen@atari.org, and you enter the Crackman competition. | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o |Personal Questions| -------------------- Your name: Crew you might be in: Your email address: Your homepage URL: |Questions about Crackman| -------------------------- System you play it on: [ ]STe [ ]Falcon How would you rate it? [ ] (0=worst, 10=best) What do you think about the difficulty level? [ ]ok [ ]too easy [ ]too hard Would you like to see an add-on released? [ ]yes [ ]no Would you like to receive the leveleditor? [ ]yes [ ]no If you have any more comments, or just anything else to say, put it here: Thank you. Now send this file together with the HISCORES file to fenomeen@atari.org. Stay addicted, o---------------------------------o |Phenomenon of Teenage, 12-04-1999| o---------------------------------o