Getting photos from Kodak PhotoNet™ online:

You don't have to own a digital camera to put your photos on your PC. Now you can view your 35mm photos on your PC with Kodak PhotoNet online service!

How Kodak PhotoNet online works:

  1. Mail in or drop off your film at a participating dealer offering Kodak PhotoNet online in your area. To locate a Dealer, go to

  2. Check the Kodak PhotoNet online box on the film envelope.

  3. When you pick up your pictures, you will receive an Access code and instructions to view your photos online.

  4. Once online, enter your name and Access code. Click the "OK" button to begin.

  5. Your photos will remain online for 30 days. During this time, you can do any of the following:

How to download photos from the Kodak PhotoNet online service:

You must have Internet access and a Kodak PhotoNet online service account and password to use this function. Here's how:

  1. Click the My Internet button on The Photo Room screen.

  2. On the left side of your screen, select Kodak PhotoNet online.

  3. If you want to download a film you have already accessed previously, or a film for which you have the ID, click the option "Download from a known film" and select the film you wish to download from the film list on the right side. When you are ready, click OK.

  4. If you want to access a film of yours which doesn't appear in the existing film list, click the "Download from account's film" option. In the right part of the dialog, enter your name and your password. Note: Next time you return to this page, all previously retrieved films will appear in the Films list. When you are ready, click OK.

  5. All the photos inside the film will be imported in your personal Library. Note: the photos will actually be saved in the directory MGI/ PhotoFun/ Kodak PhotoNet as jpeg files. While you are viewing the photos in My Library, you haven’t really transferred them yet. That happens only after you select a thumbnail and click OK to continue.

  6. Then, the transfer process begins and you must select the picture resolution you want to transfer. Click the OK button to continue. Downloading images at low & medium resolution is free.

  7. For High resolution images, a fee per photo may be charged. As you attempt to download the photo(s), you are prompted to accept the billing charge. If you accept the charge, the Billing Information dialog is displayed. Enter your personal details and credit card information.

  8. After you click OK, you will be taken to the Fun Lab and you photo will appear on the right side of your screen.


Kodak is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.

PhotoNet is a trademark of PictureVision, Inc.