Free Insurance Quote From Direct Electronic

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Low Cost Life Cover

A recent survey in The Daily Telegraph showed that for a 15 year policy there may be a 50% discrepancy in the cost - for identical cover! And for a person rated as medically sub-standard the variation is even greater.

So why waste money when a free quotation from us will demonstrate how much you can save?

Life assurance products have become so complicated that we believe that it is time to return to basics. Consequently we are offering you a policy directly which has ONE PURPOSE ONLY - to see that your survivors are financially secure should you be one of the unfortunate persons who die prematurely.

Would your family be able to maintain its standard of living if you died suddenly?

It is a fact that in the UK more than 35,000 people between the ages of 25 and 55 die each year, often from unavoidable accidents, but also from illness.

For as little as ú20.00 per month a 40 year old man in good health can buy as much as ú100,000 protection for the next 15 years - enough time for his family to grow up whilst he creates security, such as by repaying a mortgage, or regular savings.

Through our computerized system we can obtain quotations from over 50 companies for YOU.

To apply for a free quote, click here

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