I'm Glenda, Flu Me

Just call me Rudolph - my nose is so red. My throat feels like something's bungy jumping from my tonsils and my eyes and nose are on a permanent flush. I've got the flu and I'm off work sick.

I hate being off work sick, I always feel so guilty, like I need a note from mother to explain my absence rather than a sicknote from the doctor. "Please excuse our Glenda from work today. She isn't feeling very well and wonÆt be coming back until she's good and ready and had plenty of fresh air and orange juice". Yes, that would take the guilt away alright! It's so unusual for me to be at home during the day that I didn't even realise the joys of daytime TV until now. Did you know, for instance, that you can enter your pet on a game show, dash around a supermarket, fall in love with a hunky soap star, learn how to rise a cheese souffle, re-point your chimney, and give new life to an old outfit by taking off the sleeves and stitching on some sequins.. and all before 11am. I got to meet my postman today for the first time and the window cleaner, the dustbin man, a double glazing sales rep and a dodgy bloke that came around selling cheap booze from a van that had its number plates removed.

So, I lay on the sofa for a while trying to sleep, stinking of vapour rub in an old gray sweatsuit and I was wondering why no-one came to visit me. "Oh you're off work today? Oh great? What? You've got the flu? No, I can't today, I won't have time to pop over and see you, hope you feel better soon though". So, I start getting bored and then I try to do things around the house only to find I don't have the energy to finish anything I start and my boyfriend comes home to find me fast asleep on the sofa with a Paint by Numbers on the floor with all of the number 3's coloured in and very little else.

Having flu is the pits and the worst thing is, there really isn't much you can do about it at all. You simply have to wait for it to wreak havoc with your system and let it run its course. Except it doesn'Æt run, it goes at turtle speed through your body and into your head, fogging everything up and making you envy those flu-free people around you. It'll pass though, I know it'll go away in a few days and I'll soon be back at work, which is just as well, I don't know how much more daytime TV I can take.

Glenda Young is also the authoress of the weekly Coronation Street Update on the net, and can be contacted at:


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