TM Lewin & Sons, circa 1905
Welcome to the Ninth edition of TM Lewin's mail order catalogue. This was originally published in 1905, as the company had already been trading in Jermyn Street since the late 19th century.

Here are some extracts taken from the original publication. On the one hand you can have a good giggle at the moustached chaps with 'Floreka' waxed hair-do's, on the other you can reflect that this famous shirtmaker has always been on the 'cutting edge' of advertising...

Pricing is given in pre-decimalised Sterling. 8/6 represents 8 shillings and 6 pence, equivalent to 42.5p in decimalised Sterling or approximately US 60c. It might be useful to note that the 1905 publication lists 1 Pound Sterling (that's 20 shillings) as being worth 4 Dollars 88 cents in US currency!

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