To help combat the threat to health and happiness and to encourage the move to cleaner air in the UK, Smog Watch will run on the Internet enabling individuals to enter the details of any vehicle seen emitting smoke.

To enable us to pass these reports onto the proper authorities all reporters will need to enter their name and address, as they will not accept sightings without this information -a telephone number is optional. You may be contacted by the authorities but your details will be treated in confidence. In the case of HGVs, Buses, Coaches and cars reports are forwarded to the local Vehicle Inspectorate and in the case of Taxis, the Police Public Carriage Office.

Each sighting requires the the folowing details: type of vehicle, date, time and place plus the registration details of the vehicle or in the case of Taxis the license number in the white plate on the rear of the cab.

Reporter Details
        Your Name:             Daytime Phone No.: 


Incident Details
      Date:       Approx Time:       Location: 

           Vehicle Type:
               Coach                 Bus              HGV  
           Black Cab             Car/Van            Other 

                    Plate Number:  
 or if a cab, its Licence Number: 

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