Customized Gallery Views - Thumbnail, List, Record

You can customize each of the three Gallery views (Thumbnail, List, and Record) using the following options.



Thumbnails tab: Selections apply to Gallery window Thumbnail view.


Type: Select how the text will be displayed in the window. Options include Font Type, Size, and Style


Thumbnail: Select Thumbnail Size, Background Color, Text Color, and Space Between image thumbnails (in pixels). From the Border pop-up menu create and select thumbnail Borders.


Apply: Click to apply the selections on the selected tab to the Gallery view without closing the dialog.


Save as Defaults: Click to save the settings on all tabs as the Default settings for that Gallery view.


Restore Defaults: Click to revert settings to the factory set defaults.


Cancel: Click to close the dialog box without making any changes.


OK: Click to accept the changes and close the dialog box.


Information Fields Item: Click an item to select it for viewing (checkmark indicates selected for viewing). Drag items up or down the list to position them in relation to other fields selected for viewing.


Information Fields: Displays the full list of information fields that can be added to the Gallery view.


List tab: Similar selections as Thumbnails tab but without thumbnail options. Adds List Background and Text Color. Selections apply to Gallery window List view.


Record tab: Similar selections as Thumbnails tab, except that records are listed in a scrolling vertical window.


Display as List: Allows you to show records as a continuous list.


Show Field Names: Allows you to add Field Names to the information fields. Field Names are shown in bold.


Edit: Click to allow editing in place in Record view.


Fields List pop-up menu (Mac OS) or Edit Dialog (Windows): Allows you to specify the number of lines to be used for displayed information in Keywords, Description, and Custom Fields that allow multiple lines.