Creating a Master Keyword List

Establishing a Master Keywords list for a catalog can help you maintain consistent keywords among the items in the catalog, or across catalogs. With a Master Keyword list, you can ensure that only the keywords in the list are used in the catalog.

You can enter Master Keywords manually, or you can import them from an existing text file.

Note: Master Keywords are not dynamic. That is, when you change or delete a Master Keyword in the “Catalog Administration” dialog box, that Master Keyword is not automatically changed in any items to which it’s been applied.


To add keywords to the Master Keywords list:

  1. Choose Catalog > Administration... [Command+H (Mac OS) or Ctrl+H (Windows)].

  2. Click the Keywording tab to select it.

  1. Type new keywords into the text box at the top of the dialog, then click “Add.”

    If you enter a word that is already on the list, the “Add” button will be dimmed.

  2. When you have finished adding Master Keywords, click “OK” to save the changes and close the dialog.


To Rename or Delete Master Keywords:

  1. Choose Catalog > Administration... [Command+H (Mac OS) or Ctrl+H (Windows)].

  2. Click the Keywording tab to select it.

  3. Select the keyword that you want to Rename or Delete, then click the appropriate button.

    If you selected Rename, enter a new name for the keyword.

  4. When you have finished working with Master Keywords, click “OK” to close the dialog and save the changes.

    Note: Deleting a keyword from the Master Keyword list does not remove it from any items that have that keyword assigned to them.


Exporting and Importing Keywords

You can export the Master Keywords list from one catalog and import it into another. This is handy if you want to share keywords across multiple catalogs. You can also export the standard keywords from any catalog, import it into the Master Keywords list of another catalog, then work with the list to rename, add, or remove keywords to build a suitable Master Keywords list.

Portfolio exports keywords to a file in which each keyword is delimited by a carriage return, so you can also import lists of Master Keywords from any suitable text file.


To Export a list of Master Keywords:

  1. Open the catalog that contains the Master Keywords that you want to export. You will need to have Administrator access (Catalog > Access).

  2. Choose Catalog > Administration... [Command+H (Mac OS) or Ctrl+H (Windows)], then select the Keywording tab.

  1. Click “Export...”

  2. Specify a name and location for the exported file, then click “Save.”


To Import any list of keywords to the Master Keywords list:

  1. Open the catalog that you want to import the keywords into. You will need to have Administrator access (Catalog > Access).

  2. Choose Catalog > Administration... [Command+H (Mac OS) or Ctrl+H (Windows)], then select the Keywording tab.

  3. Click “Import...”

  4. Locate the file containing the keywords that you want to import, then click “Open.”

    The keywords will be added to the Master Keywords list.

Tip: If you decide you do not want to keep the keywords after they have been imported, click Cancel in the Catalog Administration dialog to close the dialog without saving the imported keyword list.


To Export regular catalog keywords:

  1. Open the catalog that contains the keywords that you want to export. (You do not need any special permissions to export standard keywords).

  2. Choose Catalog > Catalog Properties... [Command+ Option+J (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows)].

  3. Select the Statistics tab.

  4. On the Statistics tab, click “Calculate...” (Mac OS) or “Calculate Now” (Windows).

    Portfolio will build a list of catalog keywords. If the catalog has many records, this may take some time.

  1. Click “Export Keywords...”

  2. Specify a name and location for the exported file, then click “Save.”

    The keywords will be saved to a file in which each keyword is delimited by a carriage return, so that it can be imported into the Master Keywords list of another Portfolio catalog.


Parsing Keyword Phrases

Portfolio offers an option that allows keyword phrases (keywords consisting of more than one word) to be parsed into individual keywords. For example, adding the keyword phrase “Mother and child” with keyword phrase parsing on would result in “Mother and child,” “Mother,” “and,” and “child” being added to the item.

The advantage of parsing keyword phrases is it allows the user to do a very fast “Starts with” or “Matches” search on words that would otherwise not be found without using a “contains” search. In the example above, searching on “Starts with child” will only return the item if keyword parsing is on.

To enable or disable keyword phrase parsing: Click this option on the Catalog Administration Keywording tab. The checkmark indicates that parsing is enabled.