Copyright Information

© 2000 Extensis Corporation. This online help and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, neither these help files nor the software may be copied, in whole or part, without the written consent of Extensis Corporation, except in the normal use of the software or to make a backup copy of the software. This exception does not allow copies to be made for others., Extensis, the Extensis logo, Extensis Library, Portfolio and Extensis Fetch are trademarks of Extensis Corporation. Apple, AppleScript, Macintosh, MacApp, Power Macintosh, and QuickTime are registered trademarks and MoviePlayer, QuickDraw, QuickDraw 3D, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. ImageStream® Graphics and Presentation Filters Copyright© 1991–2000 Inso Corporation. All rights reserved. ImageStream Graphics Filters and ImageStream are registered trademarks of Inso Corporation. Microsoft and Microsoft Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Extensis warrants the disks on which the software is recorded to be free from defects in materials and faulty workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the original date of purchase. If a defect occurs during the 90-day period, you may return the disks to Extensis Corporation for a free replacement provided that you have previously registered your product with Extensis Corporation. This warranty is limited to replacement and shall not encompass any other damages, including but not limited to loss of profit, and special, incidental, or other similar claims. This software is provided on an “as is” basis. Except for the express warranty set forth above, Extensis Corporation makes no other warranties, either express or implied, regarding the enclosed software’s quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.

Extensis Europe
Zonnebaan 34, 3603 CD
Maarssen, The Netherlands

Telephone: #31 (0)30 247 50 50
Fax: #31 (0)30 241 20 39

Extensis Corporation
1800 SW First Avenue, Suite 500
Portland, OR 97201

Telephone: (503) 274-2020
Fax: (503) 274-0530
Technical Support: (503) 274-7030