Catalog Administration - Startup tab


Startup tab: Allows you to determine which, if any, processes are run automatically when the catalog is opened.


Open Find Dialog: Automatically opens the Find dialog when the catalog is opened.


Open MKL Palette: Automatically opens the Master Keywords List Palette when the catalog is opened. Handy if you publish catalogs and want to present the Master Keywords palette automatically to your users.


Run Slideshow: Opens the catalog and automatically initiates a Slide-show based on the items in the active Gallery and the Slideshow Options. See page 109 for more information on slideshows.


Disable Link to Original: Disables the ability to preview the original image. This is useful when you are distributing a catalog to clients without the source files.


Custom Splashscreen: Import a JPEG file to be displayed when the catalog is opened. If an image appears here, it is automatically displayed for 4 seconds when the catalog is opened.


Open and Clear: Use these buttons to Open a JPEG file to be used as the Catalog Splashscreen. Click Clear to remove the image and open the catalog without a Splashscreen.