TOMMY TRICKER AND THE STAMP TRAVELLERS System Requirements: Recommended Windows Configuration: 386 or better 8 MB of RAM or more Windows 95 or Windows 3.11 SVGA 256 colors video card 640x480 screen resolution 2X CD-Rom player or better Soundblaster compatible audio card Installation Procedure: Windows 3.11 or Windows 95 1. Set your screen in SVGA 256 colors and 640x480 resolution. 2. Insert the CD-Rom. 3. In File Manager (Windows 3.11) or Explorer Windows (Windows 95) select your CD-Rom drive (e.g. D). If your CD-Rom drive on your system is not drive D, then replace D with the correct drive letter of the CD-Rom of your system. 4. Double click on INSTALL.EXE icon 5. Follow the instructions. 6. When the INSTALL is done, double click on the "Tommy Tricker" icon. Windows 95 1. Set your screen in SVGA 256 colors and 640x480 resolution. 2. Insert the CD-Rom. 3. A small program will start and determine if you have or not install the game. If not the program will install it otherwise it will start the game. 4. Follow the instruction on you're screen. 5. When it's finish double-click the "Tommy Tricker" icon. 6. Enjoy. Technical notes Autorun only runs under Win 95, with 32 bits pilot mode. If the user runs DOS pilote or an old version of windows, the autorun will not start. The "notification upon insertion" have to be checked to run autorun. Hold the shift key if you want to bypass the autorun. © Éditions La Fête - 1997