
Choosing update lets you modify the current record. Move to a previous (next) field with ⇑ ( ⇓ or RETURN). Finish editing the record with TAB. If you modify a field, the field will be checked with the constraint pattern for that field. If a mismatch occurs you are asked what to do. You can edit the field again, or you can tell Jinx to forget about the modification and leave the field as it was. You can also tell Jinx to accept the field as it is, ignoring the mismatch. You may also exit the entire update operation, leaving the record as it was.

After you finish editing the record with TAB you will be asked to confirm the update. Again, you may edit some more, accept the record as it is, or tell Jinx to forget about the update and leave the record as it was.

Only the modified fields are checked. If some `improper' field value was accepted earlier, Jinx won't complain as long as that value isn't changed.