The best way to view or print READNOW!.TXT is to open this file in Windows Write, Microsoft Word, or another word processor, select the entire file. To print, format the text in 10 point Courier for best results.. To view the text on the screen properly, click on Edit and choose Word Wrap. ------------------------------------------------------------- FAXport 5.0 for CD #7 READNOW!.TXT File ------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: LAN Supervisors - What to do First! Printing the EPS version of the manuals Faxport Client Installation Instructions for Workstations -------------------------------------------------------------- LAN Supervisors - What to do First! -------------------------------------------------------------- READ THE WHATSNEW.TXT file for important information on late breaking news on new files to be found on the CD-ROM ! THEN You MUST DO THE FOLLOWING !!!! Read the FAXport or WINport Supervisor and Administrator Setup Guide First ! This Guide contains important information that you need to successfully install the program. Have your Software License number available when doing the setup. The FAXport software will need to be 'Branded' with this number in order to work! Setup your LAN server and Workstations as instructed in the Setup Guide. You will need supervisory rights or the equivalent to do some of the steps described in the setup guide. Remember to login as the network supervisor or equivalent in order to install the FAXport NT based server. Use the On-Screen and On-Line Documentation to get detailed instructions on how to setup your LAN system, perform the installation, and run the FAXport Program. -------------------------------------------------------------- Printing the EPS version of the manuals -------------------------------------------------------------- If you have the CD-ROM version of FAXport/WINport/RASport or combo, you may also be provided with the Setup Guides for those programs. These are provided in both Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0/7.0 .doc format. (The WINport setup Guide also contains setup information on the new WINport 32 bit Client version 5.1 setup as a Windows NT and Windows 95 Service). Encapsulated Postscript (.EPS) files are also provided for those who have printers that support that format. Check with your printer manual to see if this is supported for your model. If you attempt to import the files into a regular word processor you will only see the native Post Script printer commands and not the actual document. Use either a LASER or INKJET type printer with Post Script capability for the best reproduction of the material. Special Note: The document files (Word for Windows 6.0/7.0 compatible) are formatted for the QMS PS-800 printer driver. If you use a different printer driver you may see the format change in the document. This may result in the page numbers in the table of contents being different from the actual pages. Check the format first before printing. -------------------------------------------------------------- FAXport Client Installation Instructions for Workstations -------------------------------------------------------------- The Information provided below is a sample set of instructions to be Distributed to those who will be installing the FAXport Client software at their local workstation's hard drive, or to access it from a diskless workstation. =======(Start)==== A new software package has been installed into the local area network for your use. The software is called 'FAXport Client by LANSource' and it will enable you to send and receive faxes from your work station using the Local Area Network. The system uses what is known as 'store and forward' fax technology, so you do not need to have your computer turned on at all times in order to send and receive faxes. Any questions regarding the operation or use of the FAXport system should be directed to (Administrator's name here). They will be responsible for assisting you in the setup of the program, as well as in its operation once it is installed. You will find that once you have installed the FAXport Client program your questions about its operation can be answered through the on-line documentation provided. This documentation also contains important 'How To...' instructions that covers the basics for sending and receiving a fax as well setting up and using other features in the program (such as the Cover Page editor and Phonebooks). While the installation of the program is very simple, you must follow the instructions provided here in order to properly prepare your work station for the installation of the software. You will be asked for specific information during the installation which will be provided here as well. The FAXport software can be installed into your local hard drive (C: drive for example) or into a directory that is available to you in the Local Area Network. If you need to have a Local Area Network directory created for your use, contact (Administrators name) to have this done. In addition to the FAXport Client software, you will also be asked during the installation for the location of public and private Phonebook files, as well as the location of folders. Note: · A public Phonebook is one that is available to everyone who is using the FAXport System, and so you should not save personal information in this location. · A private Phonebook is one that other users do not have access to, and should be saved to either the local hard drive of your work station, or to a private LAN directory. · A folder is the location of stored information regarding faxes that have been sent and received. This information also saved on either your local hard drive (if available) or in a personal LAN directory. The size of the files can become large over time so it is important that you provide the proper amount of storage space for them and that you ensure that they are kept clear of 'stale' fax information on a regular basis. The FAXport software has been placed into the Network directory; [Place location of file in Network Here] You can install the FAXport software by 'launching' it by going under 'FILE' in your Windows Program Manager, and using 'RUN'. The file to 'RUN' is called 'SETUP'. If you have any questions on this contact the FAXport Administrator. The FAXport software is easy to install with detailed instructions being provided during each step of the procedure. However, you will be asked certain questions during the installation, and the answers must be; · The Network that you are using is: [Network type here] [ The answer should be IPX, NetBEUI, UDP {TCP/IP}, or Personal Netware based on which transport method has been implemented at the FAXport Server). · You Server Name is [NAME HERE in UPPERCASE ONLY] [The server name should be the same as the NT server, Novell Netware server, or Workgroup name]. · Your User name, which should be the same as you login as, and in UPPER CASE ONLY. If you are installing FAXport to your local hard drive then you should set: · Your local Phonebook location should be - d:\FAXPORT.50\PHONE · Your local Folder location should be - d:\FAXPORT.50\FOLDER Note: In both cases the drive shown as 'd:' will be the hard drive that you will be installing your FAXport program to. If you have any questions regarding this, see your FAXport Administrator. If you are installing FAXport to a shared Network directory the you should: · Follow the same procedure for setting up the software as outlined above, except that the directory where the FAXport files are located are: d:\STORAGE\FAXPORT.50 [In this case the drive (d:) will be a network drive, with '\STORAGE' being an optional directory. The driver and directory must be accessible to users of the program] · Your private Phonebook should be stored in a network directory that you have access to such as: d:\YOURDIR\PHONE where d: is the network drive you have access to, \YOURDIR is the optional directory name you use, and \PHONE is the name of the sub-directory you will be storing the files. · Your private Folder should be stored in a network directory that you have access to such as: d:\YOURDIR\FOLDER where d: is the network drive you have access to, \YOURDIR is the optional directory name you use, and \FOLDER is the name of the sub-directory you will be storing the files. Remember: If at anytime you feel that you have made a mistake you can go back and change the values you have used or even stop the installation completely. When you have finished the installation of the program be certain to use the on-line help program to learn how to use FAXport. The help functions are available through out the program as well and contains detailed information on how each function works. In addition, there is also a section called 'How To...' which will provide instructions on how to do all of the main functions pertaining to sending and receiving a fax. If you have any further questions on how to use the program, see the FAXport Administrator for further instructions. ====(end)======= 02/29/96 Revision 6.0