TableMaker Resources

Table Resources on the Web

The HTML3 Table Model by The World Wide Web Consortium
This is the working draft for the implementation of tables in the upcoming HTML 3.0 specification. In addition to having much more control over tables, HTML 3.0 will also support all of Netscape's TABLE attributes. [hopefully, Netscape will return the favor and support all of HTML 3.0]

TABLE Specification by Netscape
There are many attributes which my TableMaker page doesn't mention or make use of. This page gives a listing of all the Netscape TABLE attributes available with a thorough explanation of their use.

Tables Tutorial by NCSA Mosaic
Mosaic doesn't support all the TABLE attributes that Netscape does. Look at this tutorial to figure out the differences.

The Table Sampler by Netscape
This page has lots of examples of simple to complex tables and the code required to achieve them.

Tables Section of The Web Designer by N.Laviolette
Contains a helpful chart of the TABLE tags and their use. Also has many, many links for help on all aspects of writing HTML.

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Copyright © 1995, 1996 by Sam Choukri
Send comments or suggestions to
Document update: January 21, 1996