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Exercise three Creating tables

Next you are going to create a new section containing a table of results that looks like this:

You will learn how to:

  1. Open the document Exercise3.
  2. Start a new section (Ctrl-Shift-F2) and type the heading:
  3. Press Return and type the introductory paragraph.
    Our findings are shown in the table and bar graph below:


Tables are used whenever information is best presented in rows and columns, such as these results. Each table entry goes into a cell, which is normally where a single row and column cross.

Creating attractive tables can be a very difficult and time consuming job. Most word processors expect the user to work out the width required for each column and set tab stops.

EasiWriter has a built-in table editor that automatically calculates the width and position of columns as you type.

If you subsequently edit the table, or even add or remove a column, it will adjust the layout of the table as you work.

New table

  1. Click on the Table button in the button bar ( Ctrl-Shift-F6).
    A new table structure will be started and the caret will be centred between the left and right margins.
  2. Type the first column heading - don't press Return after typing it.

River stage

New column

New columns are created by pressing Tab.

  1. Press Tab and type the following:
    Speed in m/min
    Notice how EasiWriter automatically adjusts the position of the headings as you type.
  2. Press Tab to create another column and type:

Note that EasiWriter has positioned the headings evenly across the page.

New row

New rows are created by pressing Return.

  1. Press Return and type the following:
  2. Tab to the next column and type:
  3. Tab to the next column and type:
    That completes the second row of the table.
  4. Press Return to start a new row.
  5. Now complete the table by typing the following (remember to press Tab to move to a new column, and Return to start a new row but don't press Return after you type the '6' that goes in the final cell):
Mature	52.8	33
Old age	9.3	6

By now your table should be looking like this:

Formatting a table

Individual cells, columns, rows or even the table itself can be aligned to the left, right or centre.

At the moment all the cells are aligned to the left and the table is aligned to the centre.

To improve the appearance of the table you are going to centre the headings in columns two and three, and right align the numbers.

Selecting cells

First select the headings in columns two and three.

  1. Click Select anywhere in the cell containing 'Speed in m/min'.
  2. Now click Adjust anywhere in the cell containing 'Disappearances/km'.

Both cells will be selected.

Alignment icons

EasiWriter has three alignment icons in the status bar that represent in this order - Left, Right and Centre. To their right is a Full justify icon which in tables takes on a special meaning - Force left.

They can be used to align text, pictures and cells in tables.

Notice that the numbers under the headings have become centred.

Next you are going to select the numbers in columns two and three. This time using a different technique.

  1. Position the pointer anywhere in the cell containing the number '103.9'
  2. Press Select and drag down, and to the right, to the bottom right cell (6).

The group of cells will be selected.

Notice that the numbers not only become right aligned but that they are also centred under the heading.

Selecting a row

The appearance and legibility of the table can be improved by giving the column headings some emphasis.

First select the heading row:

  1. Click Select anywhere in the top row of the table.
  2. Choose Table row from the Select menu (or press F11 twice).

The row will be highlighted to show that it is selected.


Any text can be selected and have its appearance altered by changing it into another type style such as Bold or Italic.

The column headings will change to bold type.

End table

Next you need to leave the table.

  1. Click on the End Structure button or choose End table
    (Ctrl-]) from the Structure menu.
    The Style indicator in the top right corner of the window changes to 'At End Table'.
  2. Press Return to leave the table and start a new line.


In this exercise you have learnt how to:

Later you will see how to edit tables, change their margins and add rules (lines) between the rows.

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