EIGHTH MONTH By the eighth month of pregnancy, mothers who carefully followed a balanced diet will register only a moderate increase in weight, approximately 10 kgs. The breasts have grown, since their glandular components will have developed, thus assuring a good nursing period for the newborn baby. As the delivery date approaches, the mother often feels some degree of anxiety. Her worries center on any abdominal symptom that may appear. Some uterine contractions are felt more frequently; but, unlike the contractions that take place immediately before delivery, they do not occur at regular intervals and are not of such high intensity. Frequent and energetic fetal movements are a sign of the fetus' good health. And this should provide the mother with great tranquility. The positioning of the head towards the maternal pelvis causes pain in the lower part of the abdomen, in the area closest to the pubis. Such pain sometimes spreads as far as the inner part of the thighs. The pressure that the uterus places on the venous system occasionally causes hemorrhoids in the perineal area, and varicose veins in the lower extremities. When this occurs, bed rest is recommended. The digestive problems are similar to those described in the previous months especially heartburn and constipation. Headaches, a buzzing in the ears and disturbances of this kind are not frequent towards the end of pregnancy. If they do occur, the mother should consult her doctor. One of the most frequent questions during pregnancy concerns the risks that sexual intercourse might imply. Continuing a normal sex life during pregnancy is not contraindicated, unless complications exist that could place the gestation at risk. In many men and women, there is an increase in sexual interest during gestation while in others it is more inhibited. Attitudes towards this subject vary greatly depending upon culture, education and the way individuals respond biologically. The different way men and women feel about sex becomes more evident as the pregnancy advances. If the couple can learn to adapt to this new situation, it can prove to be a very enriching experience for them both.