SEVENTH MONTH The uterus is located halfway between the navel and the ribs. The fetal activity increases its regularity and frequency. It is difficult to set standards on what is normal for fetal movements. Some fetuses show an extremely high level of activity, while others are quite serene. Sometimes, these movements are felt as if the baby were doing somersaults inside the uterus, and at other times they feel like light knocks. Howeverthe woman feels no fetal movement for twenty-four hours, or notices a clear decrease in them, she should consult with her doctor. Lumbar disturbances are more intense, and frequently spread towards the thighs and hips, making it difficult to walk. Changes in the pelvis and a stretching of the lower part of the uterus take place, making room for the fetus, that usually positions itself head downwards. Bulkiness of the uterus often makes it difficult to sleep. Both the woman and her partner must adapt themselves to these difficulties with patience, remembering that gestations represent a relatively short period in a woman's life. Waking up in the middle of the night because of the fetus' movements provides a unique opportunity for communication and affection.