Shared Community Place Welcome

The aim of the Community Place Bureau multi-user server is to a provide a rich interactive shared environment. As you will already have realized, Community Place worlds offer behaviours. Often when you click on objects, they do things. If you didn't click on the floating die in the Jumanji world or the pinball in the Cyberspace Pinball Machine, you might want to go back and try it !

Each of our shared worlds has a theme and something interesting for you to do or explore.

As time passes we will add new worlds with exciting new features so be sure to check the What's New page. You can access it from the options listed at the foot of this page.

If you haven't already tried it, check out our Tips & Tricks to find out how to use and navigate through shared 3D worlds.

Have fun !

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All contents Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Sony Corporation.
Reproduction for personal use is permitted.
All other uses are prohibited without the formal authorization of Sony Corporation.

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