Track 1:
Technical Track

Track 3:
Technical Track

Track 4:
Java in the Real World

Track 5:
Java Computing: Programming for the 21st Century

Track 6:
Java Industry Momentum


Customizing the HotJavaTM Browser

Speakers: Terry Cline, Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
Bill Foote, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
John Pampuch, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: Technologies to morph the browser.

Abstract: HotJava Browser can be customized and tailored to particular environments in a variety of ways that can be used by end-users, applet writers, ISVs, and OEMs. HotJava Browser enables content providers to customize the look and feel of the HotJava Browser for just their page. This has been used, for instance, to provide a "kiosk" for museum visitors and a claims-management workspace for insurance workers. Display preferences can be set to control the presence and location of controls on the HotJava Browser window, including the ability to hide the menubar. The HotJava Browser can be customized programatically via its "action language" to add menus and menu items, custom toolbars, show custom dialogs, etc. Custom protocol and content handlers can be used to tailor HotJava's response to new classes of interesting data. A sample application will be used to demonstrate these techniques, combining a three-tier client/server architecture based on RMI, custom protocol and content handlers, extended applets and other HotJava Browser customization features.

Time: Wednesday, 4/2; 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Place: Room 134

Server System Software

Speaker: David Brownell, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: Servlets and the JavaServerTM: How they are structured and how they can be used for server-side solutions.

Abstract: This session presents the extensible JavaServer framework, and how it may be used to provide the server side of extensible tiered solutions. Framework features include facilities for dynamic administration of custom services, the core "servlet" API, and security facilities. We will cover the Java Web Server, and the server side of some applications built using that web server and the server framework.

Time: Wednesday, 4/2; 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Place: Room 134

JavaOSTM Architecture

Speaker: Curtis Sasaki, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Abstract: This session will provide a broad overview of JavaOS, its role in driving networked appliances, and a glimpse of the types of products utilizing it.

Time: Wednesday, 4/2; 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Place: Room 134

I18N: Programming "World-Ready" Java

Speaker: Brian Beck, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: How to write internationalized Java applets and applications.

Abstract: The global Internet demands global software. Java is unique among programming environments in having chosen Unicode as its native character set. With this choice as the foundation, JDK 1.1 has introduced an architecture and a set of new classes to support internationalization. This talk will discuss these new classes and show how they can be used to construct global applets and applications. We'll show how Java's "Write Once, Run AnywhereTM" promise can be extended to include "anywhere on the planet."

Time: Thursday, 4/3; 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Place: Room 134

Programming the Java Servlet API

Speaker: Satish Dharmaraj, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Kevin Kluge, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: Building host-independent services with the Java Servlet API.

Abstract: This session will cover using the servlet API for programming server-side Java applications. Support for the servlet API is provided for a wide variety of servers including Apache, Netscape Enterprise, Microsoft IIS, and Sun's Java Web Server. The talk will include examples and conclude with a short demo.

Time: Thursday, 4/3; 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Place: Room 134

3D Graphics in Java

Speaker: Henry Sowizral, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: The 3D graphics model and API for building, controlling and rendering 3D objects.

Abstract: Java 3D provides an API for developing high-performance, interactive 3D graphics applications and applets. Its simple, high-level, programming model empowers developers to build, render, and control 3D objects. It delivers the "write once, anywhere" concept to 3D developers.

Java 3D synthesizes the best ideas of low-level graphics APIs and several scene-graph-based systems. It provides a flexible mechanism for representing and rendering scene graphs, and a flexible execution model that includes immedi ate mode, retained mode, and compiled-retained mode. Java 3D simplifies the developer's job by performing mundane tasks such as scene-graph transversal and state change management. This allows developers to focus on content development rather than performance optimization.

This session will introduce the Java 3D API, and provide a high level overview of its features and architecture.

Time: Thursday, 4/3; 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Place: Room 134

Java Compatibility

Speaker: Carla Schroer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: How we test "Write Once, Run Anywhere" with the Java Compatibility Kit.

Abstract: This talk will focus on Sun's approach to testing Java implementations for compatibility, including compilers, virtual machines, and API class libraries. We will address testing techniques, testing tools we have developed, and our experience in building 8500+ tests that make up Java Compatibility Kit version 1.1.

Time: Thursday, 4/3; 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Place: Room 134

HotJavaTM ViewsTM

Speaker: Joe Di Pol, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Abstract: HotJava Views is a powerful, intuitive webtop environment for network computers that allows "push-button" access to applications across the enterprise. With its core set of corporate communication tools and easy extensibility, HotJava Views is well suited for today's NC user. This talk gives a technical overview of HotJava Views and focuses on what it takes to integrate your Java web-based application into HotJava Views.

Time: Friday, 4/4; 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Place: Room 134

2D Graphics in Java

Speaker: Jim Graham, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: High quality device-independent 2D graphics, the Java 2D rendering model, the 2D API and how to use them.

Abstract: This session covers the Java 2D API, a set of classes for advanced 2D graphics and imaging. Based on a specification developed by Sun Microsystems and Adobe Systems Incorporated, this API encompasses line art, text, and images in a single comprehensive model. The Java 2D API handles arbitrary shapes, text, and images and allows all to be rotated, scaled, skewed, and otherwise transformed in a uniform way. It provides comprehensive text handling and color support, and it does all of this in a device and resolution independent manner.

The session will provide a technical overview of the Java 2D API and demonstrations of its capabilities by Sun and its partners. Printing issues will be addressed. Finally, plans for technical imaging processing beyond the scope of the Java 2D API will be covered.

Time: Friday, 4/4; 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Place: Room 134

Testing Java Applets and Applications, Ensuring Portability and Robustness

Speaker: Kevin Smith, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Abstract: This technical talk describes test development and test execution techniques to help Java developers test applets and applications for robustness and portability. Topics will include designing Java applets and applications for testability, testing for year 2000 issues, testing for internationalization, and testing for platform specific issues.

Time: Friday, 4/4; 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
Place: Room 134

Network Management

Speaker: Mike Gionfriddo, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: "Write Once, Run Anywhere" and manage with the Java Management API.

Abstract: What does Java mean for network management? Java is a new technology that burst upon the world with incredible speed. It offers the potential to change the way we develop and deploy network management solutions. In addition to Java, the standard extension of Java Management API (JMAPI) provides the framework to develop truly distributed management applications using a complete Java environment. The session will discuss the use of Java for development and how JMAPI extends Java for network and systems management.

Time: Friday, 4/4; 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Place: Room 134

JavaOS Internals

Speaker: Frank Yellin, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Richard Berlin, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: The internal workings of the JavaOS operating system.

Abstract: This talk describes the internals of JavaOS windowing, graphics, networking, and device drivers. The topics covered will include details useful when porting JavaOS to or tuning it for a new platform. The talk will also give insights into writing an operating system in and for Java.

Time: Friday, 4/4; 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm
Place: Room 134

Telephony, Speech and Beyond

Speakers: Andrew Hunt, Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
Jim Wright, Sun Microsystems, Inc

Description: The Java Media/Communication APIs: Integrating telephony and speech with web.

Abstract: The Java Speech API provides a standard interface to speech synthesizers, command and control recognizers and dictation systems. This presentation will introduce the use of speech input/output in the user interfaces of desktop and telephony-based Java applications for both enterprise and personal computing. The design goals for the API, the roadmap for development, and the integration with other Java Media APIs will also be discussed.

The Java Telephony API (JTAPI) is the standard interface to telephony services for Java. It is the culmination of cooperation with leaders in the telephony industry. JTAPI presents a call model that is consistent with existing call models, without imposing a first-party or a third-party view. JTAPI is designed to manage telephony switching functions while making use of other Java Media APIs such as speech for advanced telecommunications management.

Time: Friday, 4/4; 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Place: Room 134

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