June 1993 INTERNET MONTHLY REPORTS ------------------------ The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by the participating organizations. This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not to be quoted in other publications without permission from the submitter. Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's activities. These reports should be submitted via network mail to: Ann Westine Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU) NSF Regional reports - To obtain the procedure describing how to submit information for the Internet Monthly Report, send an email message to mailserv@is.internic.net and put "send imr-procedure" in the body of the message (add only that one line; do not put a signature). Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list should be sent to "imr-request@isi.edu". Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc- info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs". For example: To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU Subject: getting imrs help: ways_to_get_imrs Cooper [Page 1] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Internet Projects ANSNET/NSFNET BACKBONE ENGINEERING . . . . . . . . . . . page 10 BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN, INC., . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16 CONCERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17 ISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17 JANET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 MERIT/MICHNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21 MERIT/NSFNET/INFORMATION SERVICES.. . . . . . . . . . . . page 23 NEARNET (NEW ENGLAND ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH NETWORK) . . . page 26 NNSC, UCAR/BOLT BERANEK and NEWMAN, INC., . . . . . . . . page 27 NORTHWESTNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28 PREPnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29 UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31 Cooper [Page 2] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS ---------------------------- IETF MONTHLY REPORT 1. The next meeting of the IETF will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and is being co-hosted by SURFnet and RARE. The meeting will run from July 12-16, 1993. This is the first time an IETF meeting has been held outside of North America. Logistic and registration information has already been sent to the IETF Announcement list. 2. The fall IETF meeting will be held in Houston, Texas from November 1-5, 1993. This meeting is being co-hosted by SESQUINET and Rice University. Please note that the Secretariat is NOT accepting registrations for this meeting at this time. Details will be provided to the IETF Announcement list following the July meeting. Note that information on future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file 0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories. 3. It is with regret that I report that Bernhard Stockman has resigned as Co-Director of the Operational Requirements Area of the IESG, and that Brewster Kahle has resigned as Co-Director of the Applications Area of the IESG due to a lack of time available for IESG activities. John Klensin has been appointed as interim Co-director of the Applications Area. It is with deep regret that I announce the resignation of Greg Vaudreuil as IESG Secretary, a job he has held for the past four years. Greg will be leaving CNRI, but will still be very involved with the IETF. I would like to take the opportunity to introduce John Stewart who will replace Greg as the IESG Secretary (jstewart@cnri.reston.va.us). 4. The IESG approved or recommended the following 15 actions during the month of June, 1993: o IP Multicast over Token-Ring Local Area Networks as a Proposed Standard o Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges as a Draft Standard o Generic Security Service API : C-bindings as a Proposed Standard o OSI Internet Management: Management Information Base change of status to Historic o Distributed Authentication Security Service as an Experimental Protocol Cooper [Page 3] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 o Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay as a Draft Standard o A Survey of Advanced Usages of X.500 as an Informational document o Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies as a Proposed Standard o Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies as a Proposed Standard o HARPOON: Rules for downgrading messages from X.400/88 to X.400/84 when MIME content-types are present in the messages as a Proposed Standard o The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5) as a Proposed Standard o MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies as a Draft Standard o MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text as a Draft Standard o The Content-MD5 Header as a Proposed Standard o Generic Security Service Application Program Interface as a Proposed Standard 5. The IESG issued 15 Last Calls to the IETF during the month of June, 1993: o The Finger User Information Protocol o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol o DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions o Interoperation Between DHCP and BOOTP o Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol o X.400 use of extended character sets o Generic Security Service API : C-bindings o Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies o Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies o HARPOON: Rules for downgrading messages from X.400/88 to X.400/84 when MIME content-types are present in the messages o The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5) Cooper [Page 4] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 o MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies o MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text o The Content-MD5 Header o Generic Security Service Application Program Interface 6. Five New Working Group were formed this period: Internet Protocol Security Protocol (ipsec) Authorization and Access Control (aac) Inter-Domain Multicast Routing (idmr) Interactive Mail Access Protocol (imap) Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (mmusic) Additionally, two Working Groups were concluded this period: Distributed File Systems (dfs) NOC-Tool Catalogue Revisions (noctool2) 7. Seventy-two Internet Draft actions were taken during the month of June, 1993: (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) ) WG I-D Title ------ -------------------------------------------------- (dhc) o Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol (dhc) o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (cat) o Distributed Authentication Security Service (bgp) o A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) (x400ops) o X.400 use of extended character sets (dhc) o DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions (mimemhs) o Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies (mimemhs) o HARPOON: Rules for downgrading messages from X.400/88 to X.400/84 when MIME content-types are present in the messages Cooper [Page 5] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 (ids) o A Survey of Advanced Usages of X.500 (pip) o Pip Identifiers (noop) o Essential Tools for the OSI Internet (iab) o The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 2 (none) o ISO/CCITT and Internet Management Coexistence (IIMC): Translation of Internet MIBs to ISO/CCITT GDMO MIBs (IIMCIMIBTRANS) (none) o ISO/CCITT and Internet Management Coexistence (IIMC): Translation of ISO/CCITT GDMO MIBs to Internet MIBs (IIMCOMIBTRANS) (none) o ISO/CCITT and Internet Management Coexistence (IIMC): Translation of Internet MIB-II (RFC1213) to ISO/CCITT GDMO MIB (IIMCMIB-II) (none) o ISO/CCITT and Internet Management Coexistence (IIMC): ISO/CCITT to Internet Management Security (IIMCSEC) (none) o ISO/CCITT and Internet Management Coexistence (IIMC): ISO/CCITT to Internet Management Proxy (IIMCPROXY) (x400ops) o Assertion of C=US; A=IMX (iesg) o IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures (chassis) o Definitions of Managed Objects for a Chassis Containing Multiple Logical Network Devices (iplpdn) o Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay (822ext) o MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies (pip) o Pip Near-term Architecture (hubmib) o Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment Units (MAUs) (fddimib) o FDDI Management Information Base (avt) o Packetization of H.261 video streams Cooper [Page 6] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 (sip) o SIP-RIP (atm) o NBMA Address Resolution Protocol (NBMA ARP) (iesg) o Applicability Statement for the Implementation of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) (sip) o SIP System Discovery (tuba) o Assignment of System Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts (none) o FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR) (bridge) o Definitions of Managed Objects for Source Routing Bridges (rmonmib) o Token Ring Extensions to the Remote Network Monitoring MIB (madman) o Network Services Monitoring MIB (ifmib) o Evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB-II (tpix) o Initial AD Assignment Plan (hubmib) + Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater Devices (none) + Encoding for Personal Contact Information (PCI) (none) + Structured Text Interchange Format (STIF) (dns) + DNS Resolver MIB Extensions (sip) + SIP addresses in the domain name service Specifications (pip) + Pip Address Conventions (pip) + Pip Host Operation (dns) + DNS Server MIB Extensions (atm) + Default IP MTU for use over ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL 5) (pip) + PCMP: Pip Control Message Protocol (atm) + Classical IP and ARP over ATM (iafa) + How to Use Anonymous FTP (tpix) o Transit Policy Routing in TP/IX Cooper [Page 7] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 (ids) + X.500 Pilot Projects (none) + Hebrew Character Encoding for Internet Messages (none) + Algorithms for Automating Administration in SNMPv2 Managers (madman) o Mail Monitoring MIB (none) + Characters and character sets for various languages (sdr) + Source Demand Routing Policy Language (mhsds) + Introducing Project Long Bud Internet Pilot Project for the Deployment of X.500 Directory Information in Support of X.400 Routing (decnetiv) + DECnet Phase IV MIB - Implementation Report (iab) + Liaison between Internet and other standardization agencies (telnet) + TELNET Transfer Control Option (tcplw) + TCP Extensions for High Performance: An Update (iiir) + Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): A Representation of Textual Information and MetaInformation for Retrieval and Interchange (sdr) + Source Demand Routing: Route Setup (none) + Managed Objects for the Internet Group Management Protocol (none) + Managed Objects for the IP Multicast Forwarding Table (decnetiv) + DECnet Phase IV MIB Extensions (isis) + Further Integration of IS-IS; Appletalk, IPX, and Other Protocols (madman) + DSA Monitoring MIB (none) + Routing over Demand Circuits - RIP Protocol Analysis (nisi) + Current NIC Interrelationships (none) + MIME Content-Types for Microsoft Windows (tpix) + TCP version 7 options Cooper [Page 8] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 8. Eleven RFC's were published during the month of June, 1993. RFC St WG Title ------- -- -------- ------------------------------------- RFC1460 I (none) Post Office Protocol - Version 3 RFC1468 I (822ext) Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages RFC1469 PS (mospf) IP Multicast over Token-Ring Local Area Networks RFC1470 I (noctool2) FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog: Tools for Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and Interconnected Devices RFC1471 PS (pppext) The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Link Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol RFC1472 PS (pppext) The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Security Protocols of the Point-to-Point Protocol RFC1473 PS (pppext) The Definitions of Managed Objects for the IP Network Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol RFC1474 PS (pppext) The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Bridge Network Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol RFC1475 I (tpix) TP/IX: The Next Internet RFC1476 I (tpix) RAP: Internet Route Access Protocol RFC1480 I (dns) The US Domain St(atus): ( S) Internet Standard (PS) Proposed Standard (DS) Draft Standard ( E) Experimental ( I) Informational Steve Coya (scoya@nri.reston.va.us) Cooper [Page 9] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 INTERNET PROJECTS ----------------- ANSNET/NSFNET BACKBONE ENGINEERING ---------------------------------- Network Status Summary ====================== Two new releases of rcp_routed routing software was deployed on ANSnet in June. Planned topology changes to the T3 network where delayed from June until early July. The ANSnet ENSS206 (CERN) connection will be transitioned to a Ebone network service separate from ANSnet in early July. June Backbone Traffic and Routing Statistics ============================================ The total inbound packet count for the network (measured using SNMP interface counters) was 31,728,509,254 on T3 ENSS interfaces, up 5.8% from May. The total packet count into the network including all ENSS serial interfaces was 35,532,881,785 up 4.9% from May. Rcp_routed Routing Software Changes =================================== During June two interim releases of the rcp_routed daemon, were deployed on select sites and we began deployment of a new version. The version called "Routerless AS Fix" was deployed on ENSS144 (FIX-W) to facilitate Barrnet using OSPF/IBGP with a single AS (AS 200). ENSS144 still sees BARRnet as AS201 at FIX-W and AS200 at Palo Alto. The "BGP Spooling Fix" version was deployed at selected sites to address a problem that occurred infrequently in the BGP output message spooling. Towards the end of June, the "Dynamic Reconfig" version of rcp_routed began deployment (scheduled to be completed during the week of July 5). The "Dynamic Reconfig" version contains a rewrite of the routing daemon initialization and reconfiguration code to minimize the impact of bi- weekly configuration changes. This version also contains efficiency improvements and changes to improve routing session stability under heavy routing traffic exchange loads. A bug was fixed where the wrong next hop was sent in a BGP update. Release notes for rcp_routed software are available in: ftp.ans.net:/pub/info/t3-rcp_routed/Release-Notes Cooper [Page 10] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 Routing Stability Measured on the T3 Network ============================================ Internal routing stability measurements are made by monitoring short term disconnect times (disconnects of five minutes duration or less). This is intended as a measure of stability rather than complete connectivity. June internal stability measurements decreased from May 1993. Below is the monthly summary for each month including and excluding the biweekly configuration windows. MONTH overall excluding configs ------ ------- ----------------- January 99.1% 99.5% February 99.0% 99.5% March 97.5% 99.1% April 96.1% 97.2% May 97.4% 98.0% June 95.5% xx.x% ** ** not yet available In May, the primary source of instability was intermittent CNSS- CNSS T3 circuit failures. In June we observed a further increase in intermittent CNSS-CNSS T3 circuit problems. There were 2 incidents, each exceeding 5 hours in duration where CNSS-CNSS T3 circuits were intermittently lossy. The circuits were CNSS16 <> CNSS64 on Jun 18 and CNSS32 <> CNSS56, CNSS56 <> CNSS72, and CNSS8 <> CNSS88 on Jun 30. The latter was primarily due to a major fiber cutover to accomplish circuit diversity described in the June engineering report. After the diversity circuit cutover, two CNSS-CNSS circuits connected to Washington DC were intermittent for over 5 hours. A third major circuit problem occurred on Jun 15. Approximately 3 hours of intermittent connectivity was experienced on ENSS206 (CERN - Switzerland). On June 23, over 1.5 hours of instability resulted from an intermittent CNSS32 <> CNSS40 circuit. In June there were several equipment power problems resulting mostly from customer premise power outages. There were also ENSS rack power distribution or power supply problems, most notably at ENSS132 (PSC). Throughout the month, ENSS230 suffered from loss of site power. A problem with the RS/6000 T960 T1 card was discovered that is induced by T1 circuit noise. Circuit problems at ENSS168 (OARnet) and ENSS230 (Digital Express), induced failures of the ENSS T1 cards and/or the T1 cards on the adjacent CNSS. ENSS230 was most Cooper [Page 11] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 seriously affected and was rehomed from CNSS59 to CNSS57 to try to avoid this problem. Several T960 T1 cards were replaced as well. New T1 card microcode will be deployed in July to correct this problem. There were over 2 hours of instability on Jun 4, much of which appears to be related to problems with these T1 sites. The bi-weekly router configuration runs in June were more disruptive to routing stability than in previous months. Due to the substantial increase in the number of routes, the reconfiguration software would occasionally lose routing sessions with external peers. This will be corrected in the "Dynamic Reconfig" version, which is currently being deployed in June. In summary, ENSS236 saw over 8 hours of instability for the month (8:31:50 or 98.8% stability). ENSS230 and ENSS206 each saw about 7 hours (7:05:11 and 6:53:52 or 99.0% stability). 21 nodes saw between 2 to 5 hours of instability (99.3-99.7% stability). 35 nodes saw between 1-2 hours of instability. Here is how previous months compare: MONTH >5 hr >2 hr > 1hr >30 min >15 min <= 15min ------------------------------------------------------------ January 0 0 1 8 19 55 February 0 0 1 24 19 41 March 0 4 18 23 23 22 April 2 2 3 13 12 57 May 0 4 33 32 15 5 June 3 21 35 18 12 3 Note: in the May engineering report figures excluded the configuration windows. The June data above is not comparable to the May figures since they include the configuration windows. The bi-weekly configuration runs in July should be less disruptive with the routing daemon changes currently being deployed. The problems involving intermittent circuits that appeared in May and June will be fixed in new rcp_routed changes that detect and route around such problems should they appear. Planned T3 Backbone Topology Changes ==================================== The backbone topology changes scheduled to begin in June '93, were delayed due to other maintenance. The circuit changes have been re-scheduled and include: Cooper [Page 12] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 1. Add a T3 circuit between the Hartford CNSS48 and the Cleveland CNSS40. This circuit was delivered to ANS in June and is scheduled for activation in early July. 2. Add a T3 circuit between the Cleveland CNSS40 and the St. Louis CNSS80. 3. Remove the T3 circuit between the Greensboro CNSS72 and the Hartford CNSS48. On-going studies are underway to segregate all T3 and T1 tail circuits and back-up T1s to the greatest extent possible in order to provide the maximum disaster protection through physical diversity. On-Going ANS Customer Activities ================================ New Ebone Service ----------------- In early July, ANS will transition the ANSnet gateway ENSS206 (CERN) <-> CNSS35 (ANS N.Y.) to an Ebone Service. This will involve rehoming the existing T1 link from Geneva<->NY, to Geneva<->D.C MAE-East. In conjunction with the rehoming of the U.S. end of the ANSnet AS 690 T1 circuit from Geneva<->New York to Geneva<->Washington, the routers connecting this circuit will be configured to logically separate them from the ANSnet backbone. In particular, the two routers involved will be reconfigured into a separate AS (1133). The European router (called cern-ebs2) will peer directly with the Ebone router at CERN rather than through a 3rd party proxy as is done now. The U.S. router (called RS6K-US) will eventually peer directly with several neighbors across MAE-East, although this will be minimal as part of the initial configuration on Friday 7/2. The ANSnet core router in Washington will be the primary gateway for the Ebone service. In case of a problem with this router RS6K-US will use ENSS136 located at College Park, via its MAE-East connection, as the secondary path to ANSnet/NSFNET. However, in order to accommodate the requirements of the current routing software on the ANSnet backbone, RS6K-US will use a different AS number (AS 1674) in its peer session with ENSS136. This implies that AS 1133 will be replaced by AS 1674 in case of problems with the primary ANSnet/NSFNET gateway to Europe. Cooper [Page 13] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 ******************************************************************* AS86 AS2149 AS701 AS701 AS183 +---------+ +----+ +------------+ +-------------+ +------+ |wtn2-mae-| |psi-| |Washington. | |College.Park.| |merit-| | east-ce | |nsf | |DC.Alter.Net| |MD.Alter.Net | | rs | +---------+ +----+ +------------+ +-------------+ +------+ |.6 |.246 |.248 |.249 |.230 | | | | | |--------------MAE-East--192.41.177----------------------------| | | | | | | | |.220 |.253 |.245 |.247 |.240 |.241 |.242 +-----+ +----+ +--------+ +--------+ +----+ +----+ +----------+ |RS/US| |E136| |mae-east| |mae-bone| |icm-| |icm-| |Europe-RS1| +-----+ +----+ | (PSI) | | (PSI) | |dc1 | |dc2 | | (RIPE) | |.1|.2 AS690 +--------+ +--------+ +----+ +----+ +----------+ | --- AS 174 AS 1800 AS1879 | | | | | | | ----------- 192.77.156 AS| | .1 1133 +---+ |CE BB |C57| Washington | +---+ | AS690 | 192.77.157 | | .2 +-----+ | | cern-ebs2 +-----+ |.204 | | |----------CERN Ethernet--192.65.185----------------------------| | | | | | | | |.4 |.130 |.202 |.201 |.1 |.2 |.3 +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ |AS | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1755 | |AS559| |AS590| |AS590| |AS513| |AS513| |AS513| +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ EBONE SWITCH EASINET EASINET EASINET EASINET EASINET CERN EBS Cooper [Page 14] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 UNAM ---- ANS is installing a connection to UNAM in Mexico City. The Mexican half of the UNAM circuit has been delayed to June 30. As a result, there is no action to be taken with this attachment until the circuit is delivered. All other steps have been completed, and we are awaiting the circuit to begin testing. If the circuit is delivered on June 30, activation will occur on July 2. OARnet Circuit Engineering -------------------------- In order to take advantage of lower costs from Ohio Bell, two new T1 circuits are on order for OARnet. These two new circuits will replace the existing OARnet T1 circuits that connect ENSS168<- >CNSS43. New Georgia Tech. T3 Circuit ---------------------------- A new T3 lower cost local loop has been ordered for the Georgia Tech ANSnet attachment (ENSS138). This circuit has been delayed several times in recent weeks; no current delivery date is available. Concert T1 Circuit Cutovers --------------------------- The two new T1 circuits provisioned out of an MCNC provided T3 circuit will be used to replace the existing, dedicated T1 circuit connecting ENSS150 (Concert) to ANS. The two new circuits will load share the MCNC traffic until we install two Mega-T inverse multiplexors to support a 3Mbps bandwidth solution for ENSS150. Notable Outages in June '93 ============================ E132 (Pittsburgh) suffered an extended outage due to power problems on 06/24. E168 (OARnet) suffered an extended outage due to power problems on 06/12. E187 (CIX) suffered extended outages due to hardware problems on 06/11 and 06/14. E206 (CERN) suffered an extended outage due to scheduled circuit Cooper [Page 15] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 testing on 6/10. E229 (Netcom) suffered an extended outage due to power problems on 06/06. E230 (DigEx) suffered an extended outage due to power problems on 06/23. Xlink (Germany) suffered an extended circuit outage on 06/24. Jordan Becker (becker@ans.net) BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC. ---------------------------- Inter-Domain Policy Routing During the month of June we concluded the Internet pilot demonstration of IDPR, which included day-to-day monitoring of IDPR as well as a special demonstration for NSFNet people. We are preparing an Internet Draft that describes the results of the pilot demonstration. We are proceeding with our implementation of policy-based multicast routing (i.e. IDPR multicast) and our integration of the fair share resource allocation mechanism with IDPR. Scaleability Initial design of the network editor component of the flow-based network simulator was completed this month. Work is in progress implementing the editor using the InterViews/Unidraw X-windows toolkit, which specifically supports development of graphical editors. We have also started a study of the effects of network congestion and congestion management algorithms on real-time distributed simulation traffic. This study is assessing the potential impact of packet scheduling policies and drop strategies on simulation fidelity. (See December '92 Internet Monthly Report for more details about this project and the toolset being developed.) Real-Time Multicast Communications and Applications The shared stream service (described in last month's report) has been implemented, and testing is underway on DARTnet. Cooper [Page 16] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 A paper describing Resource Coordination Objects (RCOs) is in progress, and should be available in July. A brief overview of the RCO concept was given at the End-to-end Task Force meeting held at Xerox PARC at the beginning of the month. RCOs are intended as a general mechanism for sharing network-related state between applications and network elements. Possible applications include routing, reservations, session management, and group access control. (See January '93 and March '93 Internet Monthly Reports for more details about the application and communications services being developed.) Karen Seo CONCERT ------- On June 2nd through June 4th, MCNC and the CONCERT Network were hosts to The States and The NREN Workshop, a workshop focusing on State Participation in the National Research and Education Network. The workshop was designed as a forum for sharing information on current state-level networking developments and fostering a state- level response to the federal networking initiatives being pursued by the Federal Government. Parts of the workshop were broadcast to the Internet via the mbone. On June 9th, the first CONCERT-CONNECT Network Conference was held, open to all CONCERT users and focusing on issues relevant to new users of the Internet. Approxinately 45 users from across North Carolina attended. Tom Sandoski ISI --- GIGABIT NETWORKING Infrastructure Joyce Reynolds attended the Calinet meeting at UCDavis on June 18th. Walt Prue attended the Regional Tech meeting in Reston, Virginia, June 10-11. Walt Prue attended the CERFNET Users Meeting at U.C Irvine, June 15, 1993. Bob Braden and Greg Finn attended an ARPA meeting to discuss ATM signalling June 29th. Cooper [Page 17] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 12 RFCs were published this month. RFC 1460: Rose, M., "Post Office Protocol - Version 3", Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., June 1993. RFC 1468: Murai, J., (Keio Univ), Mark Crispin (Panda Programming), E. van der Poel, "Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages", June 1993 RFC 1469: Pusateri, T., "IP Multicast over Token-Ring Local Area Networks", Consultant, June 1993. RFC 1470: Enger, R., (ANS), J. Reynolds (ISI), "FYI on a Network Management and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and Inter-Connected Devices", June 1993. RFC 1471: Kastenholz, F. (FTP Software, Inc.) "The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Link Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol", June 1993. RFC 1472: Kastenholz, F. (FTP Software, Inc.) "The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Security Protocols of the Point-to-Point Protocol", June 1993. RFC 1473: Kastenholz, F. (FTP Software, Inc.) "The Definitions of Managed Objects for the IP Network Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol", June 1993. RFC 1474: Kastenholz, F. (FTP Software, Inc.) "The Definitions of Managed Objects for the Bridge Network Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point Protocol", June 1993. RFC 1475: Ullman, R., "TP/IX: The Next Internet", Process Software Corporation, June 1993. RFC 1476: Ullman, R., "RAP: Internet Route Access Protocol", Process Software Corporation, June 1993. RFC 1480: Cooper, A., J. Postel, "The US Domain", June 1993. RFC 1481: Huitema, C., (Chair, Internet Architecture Board) "IAB Recommendation for an Intermediate Strategy to Address the Issue of Scaling", June 1993. Ann Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU) Cooper [Page 18] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCING The charter for the IETF WG on a Multiparty Multimedia Session Protocol (MMUSIC, previously the Conference Control BOF) has been revised and accepted so the WG is now established. With the help of group members, a glossary, bibliography, conference style taxonomy, and strawman protocol functional spec have been prepared as input for the meeting to be held next month at IETF in Amsterdam. The intent of the WG is to specify one or more protocols to support tight- and loose-control conference styles. The MMCC conference control tool implemented at ISI is an example of the tightly-controlled approach to session management, as opposed to the loosely-controlled approach of the LBL Session Directory tool. MMCC allows an explicit list of participants to be called, and provides the equivalent of telephone ring and answer (also refuse) functions. If a call is accepted, audio and video connections may be established using popular tools such as PARC's nv and LBL's vat. A multicast address is distributed for multipoint calls, or normal unicast addressing may be used for 2- party calls. An encryption key can also be distributed. An alpha release of MMCC has been made within ISI and to some DARTnet sites; we intend to release it soon for more widespread use. In preparation for a fifth live multicast of audio and video from the Amsterdam IETF meeting, we have organized a re-engineering of the MBONE (multicast virtual backbone). Problems and solutions were discussed in two teleconferences over the MBONE. A new topology was designed for the North American portion of the MBONE to more closely follow the physical network topology and to reduce the fanout of the core multicast routers to avoid CPU overload. At ISI, the Sun3/60 mrouter was upgraded to a SPARC 2 clone for more capacity. During June, some progress was made on new options for security in the Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP) draft, though we did not get it released as a draft and submitted as an RFC as planned. Next month. Since the nv program now supports color, our software decode routine for video from the Bolter codec has been augmented to decode color also. Eve Schooler, Steve Casner (schooler@ISI.EDU, casner@ISI.EDU) Cooper [Page 19] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 JANET ----- The 34 Mbit/s pilot network continues to function well. Earlier problems with the use of OSPF as the IGP have now been sidestepped. (These concerned the propagation of subnets out from some sites and difficulties in redistributing them into other sites' IGPs. Fudging round this required static routes to be used as "glue", which was never operationally desirable, and a significant problem whenever there was a perturbation on the network due to hardware problems and/or configurational changes.) Placing each of the routers involved in the backbone (6) in a separate area seems to be a good workaround. Service traffic is now flowing over this network between the sites involved. After the connection of the international access point at ULCC to the main 34 Mbit/s ring, via a separate 34 Mbit/s spur, traffic from two London sites (UCL and Imperial College) to both the rest of JANET and to the Internet as a whole travels over this network. It is expected that the pilot network can be declared as at service status at the beginning of August. In preparation for this, the AGS+ routers loaned to us by Cisco UK for the pilot are now being purchased. It is not planned at this stage to extend the 34 Mbit/s network significantly. One further experiment, however, is to attempt to connect a Wellfleet Backbone Link Node into the ring of Cisco AGS+ routers at 34 Mbit/s. This is proving problematical at present, due to the unavailability of PPP on the BLN, but an attempt is underway to use Frame Relay as a short-term alternative. The next major step on JANET will be the arrival of a large number of 10 Mbit/s SMDS connections -- of the order of 40. The first of these are due for the end of August, and acceptance testing of this technology is being planned. (JANET will be the first network in the UK to use this service.) Meanwhile, the usage of JANET as a whole remains roughly constant. There has been a continuation of the gradual migration from carrying IP over X.25 to devoting some bandwidth to IP use only. An "inner core" of the JANET IP backbone running IP directly over HDLC is now in place, and now acts as a conduit between other backbone routers that use RFC877 only and the international access point at ULCC. This has served to remove some of the load on the ULCC router from RFC877 traffic. A survey is currently being conducted of site requirements on access mode to JANET (via X.25, IP or whatever). Cooper [Page 20] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 On the International front, JANET has recently started to ship production traffic to SURFnet (Netherlands) and SWITCH (Switzerland) via EuropaNET rather than EBONE. This is part of the pre-production use of EuropaNET's IP service, and gives a 2 Mbit/s connection from JANET into the rest of Europe (EBONE currently gives 2 x 256 kbit/s, though an upgrade is planned). The MBONE feed of the IETF in Amsterdam into the UK will use EuropaNET to reach London (and thence into the UK-MBONE which is based on the 34 Mbit/s pilot network). This will be the first time that such a broadcast has Mbit/s bandwidths available into and around the UK, so hopes are high of a successful demonstration of both video and audio. Bob Day (R.Day@jnt.ac.uk) MERIT/MICHNET ------------- Project Connect, a collaborative venture to assist Michigan K-12 schools in becoming Internet nodes and participating in the international networking environment, held an Open House in Ann Arbor on June 4th. Approximately 300 visitors attended the Merit- sponsored event to see demonstrations of Internet use in the classrooms of Page Middle School of Lamphere, Model High School of Birmingham, Mumford High School of Detroit, Northville High School and the Oakland Technical Center in Wixom. Collaborative journalism projects, scientific data collection, electronic career exploration and a multimedia presentation, "K-12 Internet Applications," explored the diversity of the Internet through the unique perspective of each school. Project Connect is sponsored by Merit Network, Novell, Merit/MichNet member universities, and the participating schools. Pioneering Partners for Educational Technology also showcased the projects of its winning teams. Initiated in 1992 to spotlight and encourage the use of educational technology by the Council of Great Lakes Governors and supported by GTE North Inc., Pioneering Partners gives awards annually to schools in the Great Lakes States that are creatively using technology in their classrooms. Among the winning teams from Michigan for 1993 were Page Middle School in Lamphere, Newberry Elementary School in Detroit, and Dickinson-Iron Intermediate School District in the Upper Peninsula. An impressive sampling of computer graphic artwork was included in this display. The Open House provided an opportunity for communication vendors to learn more about the potential growth of K-12 institutions on the Internet, as well as the networking needs of the K-12 community. Also featured was a technical help center to aid school personnel Cooper [Page 21] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 by providing information on the technical aspects of connecting one's school to the Internet. Members of the Michigan Association of College Admission and Registration Officers were given an overview of Internet uses and resources as well as MichNet internetworking activities by Merit Associate Director Jeff Ogden and Sandra Waite of Merit's Network Information Center. Representing 103 colleges, MACARO is interested in using networks to exchange student transcript, credit and grade information using electronic data interchange (EDI) standards. EDI currently has its broadest application in the business world. The Greater Flint Educational Consortium has been actively working to encourage and coordinate business and educational partnerships in the Greater Flint Area. In mid-June, the GFEC Board approved funding for the installation of a large pool of computer modems to facilitate a common dial-up access point for students and teachers to reach educational computer services in Flint, throughout Michigan and across the global Internet. The project also includes the installation of a networked computer system, accessible through the modem pool, which will support a GFEC electronic bulletin-board style information server for the educational community in Genesee county. Production use of Gopher software on a mid-sized SUN SparcStation is anticipated for October, 1993. The information server will reside at the GMI Engineering Management Institute in Flint and maintained by GFEC staff. The modem pool will be located at the University of Michigan-Flint, and managed by UM-flint staff. A 56K link now connects Jackson Community College to the MichNet backbone using a cisco router. This upgrade is partially funded by a National Science Foundation Connections grant. Upgrades scheduled for the near future in the Jackson area include increased speed for dial-in access and the installation of a Network Access Server. Traverse City now has a total of ten 1200/2400/9600 bps dial-in lines. Efforts by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments and Merit's Hardware Support group aided in the installation of five new dial-in lines and the reconfiguration of the original five dial-in lines to match the standard for public dial-in (9600 bps, NMP4 without xon/xoff modem flow control). Providence Hospital and Oakland Community College are among the most recent organizations to become Merit/MichNet affiliates. The Merit/MichNet Washington, D.C. dial-in phone numbers will change in mid-July. Improved response for DC dial-in users and a reduction in costs for Merit will result with the move of the DC dial-in node to a new location where it will share a 1.5Mbps (T1) link to the Internet. A single hunt sequence will support Cooper [Page 22] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 1200/2400/9600 bps; 300 bps dial-in will no longer be supported. Additional modems are being installed to reduce busy signals experienced by users. The new DC number will be 202/785-9001. The cut-over date will be announced in a message printed when dialing into the current DC numbers. Merit/MichNet public dial-in access from Boston will be discontinued in September, 1993. This access arose out of Medline service use by the University of Michigan, which is shifting to more direct access via the Internet. SprintNet and Autonet access to MichNet from the Boston area will still be available. Effective August 1, 1993, MichNet will discontinue SLFP (Serial Line Framing Protocol) services and restrict SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) services to basic service only on MichNet public ports. MichNet is encouraging serial TCP/IP users to move from SLIP and SLFP to PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol). PPP is a true Internet standard and a newer protocol offering better performance and enabling MichNet to provide authorization for access to some services. MichNet authorization enhances network security and allows MichNet staff to assist in identifying and correcting network problems. It also ensures that the NSFNET acceptable use policy is being followed. A version of NCSA Telnet that includes PPP support for DOS systems is available via Anonymous FTP from the host merit.edu in the file /pub/ppp/ncsappp.zip. MacPPP is also available via Anonymous FTP from merit.edu in the file /pub/ppp/macppp1.0.sit.hqx. A new dial-in service will be announced in the fall which will provide improved, faster PPP service. Merit Network will provide a Network Access Server (NAS) at each of the 25 sites where Merit/MichNet members and affiliates offer public dial-in access to MichNet. The responsibility of providing dial-in access, including upgrades to increase the number of ports, would remain with the members and affiliates. Replacement of all PDP-11 based SCPs/PCPs which support public dial-in access to MichNet is scheduled for completion in the fall of 1995. Jo Ann Ward (jaw@merit.edu) MERIT/NSFNET INFORMATION SERVICES --------------------------------- During the month of June, Fiji and Liechtenstein became the newest international sites with announcement to the NSFNET backbone. Of the 13,170 total networks announced to the NSFNET backbone at the close of June, 5,461 networks have foreign locations. Growth as Cooper [Page 23] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 reflected in the number of domestic and foreign networks having announcemnt to the NSFNET infrastructures, as well as network distribution by country over the term of the NSFNET project are available for Anonymous FTP from the host nic.merit.edu as /nsfnet/statistics/history.netcount and /nsfnet/statistics/nets.by.country respectively. These files may also be received via electronic mail query. The message should be sent to nis-info@nic.merit.edu with the first line of text (not subject) send history.netcount Other new information available on nic.merit.edu via Anonymous FTP, e-mail query and Gopher: Revision of OMB Circular No. A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources." This document establishes policy that Federal agencies will follow when acquiring, using, and distributing government information. The revisions of OMB Circular A-130 reflect the new policies announced on 25 June by Office of Management and Budget Director Leon E. Panetta for managing government information that encourage agencies to utilize new technologies to improve public access. Available as /omb/omb.a130.rev2 "FYI on Introducing the Internet-- A Short Bibliography of Introductory Internetworking Readings for the Network Novice" authored by Ellen Hoffman of Merit and Lenore Jackson of NASA has been published as RFC 1463/FYI 19. This bibliography offers a short list of recent information resources that will help the network novice become familiar with the Internet. Available as /introducing.the.internet/intro.internet.biblio ""FYI on "What is the Internet?"" by Ed Krol of UIUC and Ellen Hoffman of Merit is now RFC 1462/FYI 20. A modified chapter from Krol's book, "The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog," the paper covers the Internet's definition, history, administration, protocols, financing, and current issues such as growth, commercialization, and privatization. Available as /introducing.the.internet/what.is.internet Cooper [Page 24] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 "Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space" by Elise Gerich has been published as RFC 1466. This document proposes a plan which will advance the implementation of RFC 1174 and which defines the allocation and assignment of the network number space. Available as /internet/documents/rfc/rfc1466.txt Merit has been awarded funding by the FAA in response to a request for the continuation of research being done under FAA Grant 92-G- 0018. The supplemental proposal, Implementation of Advanced Features of the Inter-Domain Routeing Protocol in GateD, defines the parameters for the continued development of non-proprietary routing protocol implementations in the ongoing cooperative effort between the FAA, Merit and MITRE. Merit will implement the advanced features of IDRP according to the full International Standard version of the ISO 10747 specification. The Merit software will provide a publicly available inter-domain routing protocol that will assist in the FAA's initiative to support inter-domain routing in the ATN environment. Ellen Hoffman is now Merit's Development Director, moving from her previous position as Manager of Network Information Services at Merit. Jeff Ogden, Associate Director for Merit/MichNet activities, and Jim Williams, Associate Director for Merit's National Networking activities have assumed responsibility for Information Services management. Steve Burdick, Laura Kelleher and Dana Sitzler of Merit's Network Information Center Services staff gave a two-day workshop to educators at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu. After an overview of the NSFNET and an introduction to Internet tools and resources, the emphasis turned to hands-on use. Anonymous FTP, telnet, Gopher, and WAIS were among the tools attendees learned to use to discover and access Internet resources. The workshop was sponsored by the University of Hawaii and the Hawaii State Department of Education. Kelleher also traveled to New Orleans, LA, to speak at a Coalition for Networked Information sponsored American Library Association preconference. An update on NSFNET activities and "Cruise of the Internet" with special emphasis on library resources were the topics of Kelleher's presentation. Chris Weider, of Merit's Information Delivery group, attended a meeting of the Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval, and a subconference on Information Access and the Networks. Weider spoke on the "Integrated Information Architecture," which he and Peter Deutsch are collaborating on. Jo Ann Ward (jaw@merit.edu) Cooper [Page 25] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 NEARNET (NEW ENGLAND ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH NETWORK) --------------------------------------------------- As of June 18, 1993, NEARnet has grown to a total of 225 member organizations. Overview of NEARnet Mini-Seminar #2 ----------------------------------- On June 18, NEARnet held its second mini-seminar for 1993: "Searching for Network Treasures: A Librarian's Perspective and Guide to Internet Training," at Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. (BBN) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. NEARnet liaisons and librarians were encouraged to attend, and over 110 people particpated. Videotapes of the seminar are available for NEARnet members to borrow. The seminar included an overview of the Internet training course developed for the Special Libraries Association (SLA) by Marian Bremer, manager of the BBN library, and Hope N. Tillman, director of libraries at Babson College. Marian and Hope also included a sampling from their SLA Internet training course and highlighted specific Internet resources. They discussed the lessons learned from training network users at the SLA, Simmons College, Harvard Business School, and Babson College. Hope described how she uses the Internet Treasure Hunt as a training tool. John Curran wrapped up the seminar with an update on Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) User Services Working Group (US-WG) activities. Corinne Carroll of the NEARnet User Services Staff presented an overview of the InterNIC (the NSF Network Information Services Management Team). NEARnet Conference Participation in June ---------------------------------------- - Sean Kennedy of the NEARnet Network Analysis Group attended the NSFNET Regional Techs meeting in Washington, D.C., where the topics of discussion included new address allocation and aggregation strategies, routing, and NSFNET toplogy changes. - John Curran gave a presentation at a meeting of the Boston Computer Society Internet Special Interest Group. by Corinne Carroll Cooper [Page 26] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 NNSC, UCAR/BOLT BERANEK and NEWMAN, INC. ---------------------------------------- NSF NETWORK NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTED The NNSC has published and distributed its final issue of the NSF Network Newsletter. Extra copies of this issue will be forwarded to the InterNIC. Future newsletters will be published by the InterNIC. US-WG LIST TRANSFERRED The IETF User Services Working Group (USWG) electronic mailing lists have been moved from the nnsc.nsf.net machine to the NEARnet machine at: us-wg@nic.near.net and us-wg-request@nic.near.net. SHUTDOWN OF THE NNSC INFORMATION SERVICES The services formerly provided by the NNSC have been transferred to a new Network Information Services Management team, collectively known as the InterNIC (the Internet Network Information Center). The NNSC Info-Server has been shut down, and anonymous FTP to nnsc.nsf.net has been discontinued. The major collections in the NNSC Info-Server and anonymous FTP directory have been transferred to the DIRECTORY AND DATABASE SERVICES InterNIC (See item 2 below). The InterNIC phone number is 800-444-4345 and the email address is info@internic.net. The 800 number reaches a voice menu: 1 - REGISTRATION SERVICES Direct dial: 703-742-4777 Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) Email:hostmaster@rs.internet.net Herndon, VA FTP: rs.internic.net The WHOIS database facility for Internet addresses can be reached by using the command "telnet rs.internic.net". For information about ordering WHOIS entries and other documents by email, send a message to "mailserv@rs.internic.net" with the word "help" in the *subject* (not the body) of the message. 2 - DIRECTORY AND DATABASE SERVICES Direct dial: 908-668-6587 AT&T FAX: 908-668-3763 5000 Handley Road, Room 1B13 Email: admin@ds.internic.net South Plainfield, NJ 07080 FTP: ds.internic.net Former NNSC collections now available by email and anonymous FTP are: iesg, ietf, internet-drafts, isoc, policies-procedures, resource-guide, rfc, and the-scientist. For information about Cooper [Page 27] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 ordering documents by email, send a message to "mailserv@ds.internic.net" with the word "help" in the *body* (not the subject) of the message. 3 - INFORMATION SERVICES Direct dial: 619-455-4600 General Atomics Email: info@internic.net San Diego, CA FTP: is.internic.net Other information files are available from is.internic.net by anonymous FTP and Gopher. For information about ordering documents by email, send a message to "mailserv@is.internic.net" with the words "send help" in the *body* (not the subject) of the message. 4 - INFORMATION SERVICES REFERENCE DESK Choose this when it is unclear where to go first. The Internet Manager's Phone Book (1990) and the Hypercard (tm) Tour of the Internet (1991) are now out of date, and are no longer available. Corinne Carroll Charlotte Mooers NORTHWESTNET ----------- The State of Oregon Department of Education joined NorthWestNet as an aggregate member in June. This membership will provide connectivity to all public K-12 schools in Oregon to NorthWestNet and the Internet. The month of June also saw a significant increase in interest for NorthWestNet connections from health care organizations. This is due in part to our joint National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NSF connections program, and collaboration on an additional three health-care oriented grants which are now in process. NorthWestNet anticipates several new memberships from health care organizations in the near future. The Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) held a conference on June 28 in Seattle, WA. Legislative leaders from Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta met to consider issues critical to the economic future of the Pacific Northwest including telecommunications infrastructure. Dr. Eric Hood, executive director of NorthWestNet, gave the plenary presentation titled "Information Infrastructure for the Pacific Northwest." Cooper [Page 28] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 On June 10, Dan Jordt, director of Technical Services, presented a talk titled "NSFNET Solicitation Status and Issues of Transition" at the MERIT Regional Techs meeting in Reston, Virginia. "The Internet Passport: NorthWestNet's Guide to Our World Online," 4th ed. (retail $39.95) can now be purchased through Computer Literacy Bookshops in California. They are the official bookstore for INET '93 and INTEROP. To contact Computer Literacy Bookshops e-mail info@clbooks.com, phone (408) 345-0744, or fax (408) 435- 1823. Pat Pederson joined the NorthWestNet staff in June as Member Relations Assistant. Pat will provide information to prospective NorthWestNet members and assist in implementing the membership process. ----------------- NorthWestNet info@nwnet.net 15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202 Phone: (206) 562-3000 Bellevue, WA 98007 Fax: (206) 562-4822 Dr. Eric S. Hood, Executive Director Jan Eveleth, Director of User Services Dan L. Jordt, Director of Technical Services Anthony Naughtin, Manager of Member Relations NorthWestNet serves the six state region of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, and Washington. by Jan Eveleth PREPNET ------- PREPnet New Members: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allegheny Intermediate Unit Pittsburgh, PA Nomos Corporation Sewickley, PA Derence Systems, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA Beaver College Glenside, PA Research Access Pittsburgh, PA PREPnet News: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ On June 29, PREPnet conducted a training session for Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc (Houston, PA). Topics covered by the session included: Cooper [Page 29] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 * Introduction to the Internet and PREPnet * TCP/IP protocal suite * Extended services and Internet utilities PREPnet NIC 305 S. Craig St. E-Mail: nic@prep.net 2nd Floor Telephone: (412) 268-7870 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 PREPnet NIC (prepnet+@andrew.cmu.edu) UCL ---- We have installed a number of active badges and sensors around our site and have written software to distribute badge-holders' location and to be able to page badge holders, based on IP multicast. A paper describing the protocols and security architecture/motivation can be ftp'd from cs.ucl.ac.uk:car/secure- badges.ps Thanks to Olivetti Research for the hardware and documentation. Zheng Wang attended a lively End to End research group meeting at PARC (Crowcroft attempted to virtually attend but was eventually defeated by timezones). John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK) Cooper [Page 30] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 CALENDAR -------- Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. Please send your submissions to (cooper@isi.edu). 1993 CALENDAR Jun 2-4 ANSI X3S3.3, Raleigh, NC Jun 7-11 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Jun 15-30 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21, Yokohama Jun 21-25 USENIX, Cincinnati Jun 30 RARE Technical Committee, Amsterdam Jul 12-16 IETF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jul 12-16 IEEE802 Plenary, Sheraton Denver Tech Center, Denver, CO Jul 12-16 TCOS WG, Hawaii (tentative) Aug 1-6 Multimedia '93, Anaheim, CA Aug 17-20 INET93, San Francisco,(Request@inet93.stanford.edu) Aug 23-27 INTEROP93, San Francisco Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com) Sep 13-17 SIGCOMM 93, San Francisco Sep ?? 6th SDL Forum, Darmstadt Ove Faergemand (ove@tfl.dk) Sep 8-9 ANSI X3S3.3, Boulder, CO Sep 13-17 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Sep 14 -? IFIP TC6. GMD-Fokus, 2nd Intl Conf. on Open Distributed Processing ICODP12, Berlin Sep 20-31 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, Seoul, Korea. Sep 28-29 September RIPE Technical Days, TBC Oct INTEROP93, Paris, France Oct 5-6 IFIP WG 6.6 Intl Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management DSOM'93. Oct 12-14 Conference on Network Information Processing, Sofia, Bulgaria; Contact: IFIP-TC6 Oct 18-22 TCOS WG, Atlanta, GA (tentative) Nov 1-5 IETF Houston, TX Nov 2-4 ANSI X3S3.3, TBD Nov 2-4 EMAIL World Einar Steffurd Nov 9-13 IEEE802 Plenary, Crown Sterling Suites, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Nov 15-19 Supercomputing 93, Portland, OR Dec 6-10 OIW, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD Cooper [Page 31] Internet Monthly Report June 1993 1994 CALENDAR Feb 3-4 ISOC Symposium on network and Distributed System Security, San Diego, (Nessett@llnl.gov) May 2-6 NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Las Vegas, Nevada Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com) Jun 1-3 IFIP WG 6.5 ULPAA, Barcelona, Spain Einar Stefferud (stef@nma.com) Aug 28-Sep 2 IFIP World Computer Congress Hamburg, Germany; Contact: IFIP Sep 12-14 NetWorld+INTEROP 94, Atlanta, Georgia Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com) 1995 CALENDAR Sep 18-22 INTEROP95, San Francisco, CA Dan Lynch (dlynch@interop.com) 1996 CALENDAR Sep 2-6 14th IFIP World Computer Congress Canberra, Australia Contact: IFIP ======================================================================== Cooper [Page 32]