Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (wnils) ---------------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 21-Feb-96 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): Joan Gargano User Services Area Director(s): Joyce K. Reynolds User Services Area Advisor: Joyce K. Reynolds Mailing Lists: General Discussion:ietf-wnils@ucdavis.edu To Subscribe: ietf-wnils-request@ucdavis.edu Archive: ftp://ucdavis.edu/archive/wnils Description of Working Group: The Network Information Center maintains the central ``NICNAME'' database and server, defined in RFC 954, providing on-line look-up of individuals, network organizations, key nodes, and other information of interest to those who use the Internet. Other distributed directory information servers and information retrieval tools have been developed and it is anticipated more will be created. Many sites now maintain local directory servers with information about individuals, departments and services at that specific site. Typically these directory servers are network accessible. Because these servers are local, there are now wide variations in the type of data stored, access methods, search schemes, and user interfaces. The purpose of the Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS) Working Group is to expand and define the standard for WHOIS services, to resolve issues associated with the variations in access and to promote a consistent and predictable service across the network. Goals and Milestones: Done Review and approve the charter making any changes deemed necessary. Examine the particular functional needs for expanded whois directory service. Begin work on a framework for recommendations. Assign writing assignments for first draft of document. Done Post the Whois and Network Information Lookup Service Recommendations document as an Internet-Draft. Done Post the ``Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service'' as an Internet-Draft. Done Post the revised WHOIS protocol and index service document as an Internet-Draft. Done Submit the ``Architecture of the WHOIS++ Index Service'' to the IESG for consideration as an Informational RFC. Published as an Proposed Standard. Done Submit the Whois and Network Information Lookup Service Recommendations document as an Informational RFC. Done Submit a revised WHOIS protocol specification and index service document to the IESG for consideration as a Draft Standard. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1834 Aug 95 Whois and Network Information Lookup Service Whois++ RFC1835 PS Aug 95 Architecture of the WHOIS++ service RFC1914 PS Feb 96 How to interact with a Whois++ mesh RFC1913 PS Feb 96 Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service