Uniform Resource Locator Registration Procedures (urlreg) --------------------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 27-Oct-97 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Rich Petke Ian King Applications Area Director(s): Keith Moore Harald Alvestrand Applications Area Advisor: Harald Alvestrand Mailing Lists: General Discussion:ietf-url@imc.org To Subscribe: ietf-url-request@imc.org In Body: subscribe in message body Archive: http://www.imc.org/ietf-url/ Description of Working Group: This working group exists for the purpose of creating two documents: The first document, a BCP RFC, will be the process for registering new URL schemes. The second document, an Informational RFC, will be a guideline for the creators of new URL schemes. The purpose of this guideline will be to help ensure that new URL schemes: - Consistently implement the general syntax of URLs as specified in the URL Generic Syntax and Semantics RFC. - Are compatible with existing URL schemes. - Have clearly specified character encoding rules. - Have a well defined set of operations specified for them. - Properly address security considerations. The following issues are considered beyond the scope of this working group and shall not be addressed by it: - Modifications to the URL Generic Syntax and Semantics RFC. - Specific URL schemes, previously proposed or not, except as test cases for the guidelines document. - UR* schemes other than URLs. Justification for working group: RFC 1738 defined URL schemes for a number of protocols popular at the time that it was written. Many URL schemes for protocols not addressed in RFC 1738 have been proposed since the publication of that RFC. Due to the absence of guidelines for the development of new URL schemes, some of these recently proposed schemes lack completeness. Further, while some of these schemes are now on the standards track, no mechanism for the registration of these new schemes has yet been specified. The output of this working group is needed in order to help ensure the overall integrity and consistency of URLs in the future. Goals and Milestones: Jul 97 Publish drafts of the registration and guidelines documents which capture all open issues and propose possible resolutions for each. Dec 97 Submit guidelines document to IESG as an Informational RFC. Dec 97 Conclude WG. Dec 97 Submit registration document to IESG as BCP RFC. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Oct 97 New Guidelines for new URL Schemes Request For Comments: None to date.