Telnet TN3270e Enhancements WG (tn3270e) Wednesday, April 9 at 1545-1800 =============================== AGENDA: 1st hour Item 1: Announcement of formal TN3270E working group status coupled with all the appropriate acknowledgments and thank you's. Item 2: TN62 status - what we have done - where we are - what we intend to do - announce informal meeting of interested parties for Thursday AM. (location TBD) Item 3: TN3270E Interoperability Because we are republishing the rfc1647, interoperability issues may arise from new client or server implemenations based on the republished rfc. A vendor sponsored interoperability testing lab will be made available to determine interoperability of implementations based on the rfc1647 as it is advanced to draft and finally standards status. Item 4: Review Charter - scope - objectives - milestones - commitments 2nd hour Item 5: Cover 1st deliverable for this working group - Getting the rfc to publish as draft status. - Agreement on Change items - Verify readiness of rfc1647 for draft and standards status - Making sure the author is clear on changes/edits Item 6: Organizing the extension items for the second deliverable - Enhancements to TN3270E. - Lots of discussion Item 7: Discussions on the third deliverable item - TN5250E - How much can the group leverage work alredy done on rfc1647? That's about it. We might make some small last minute adjustments to this as the cases arise. There should be more than enough material to cover in these seven items to keep us pretty busy.