SNMP Version 3 WG (snmpv3) Wednesday, April 9 2000-2200 Thursday, April 10 1300-1500 ============================ AGENDA: April 9, 1997 Wednesday Evening Sessions I & II, 2000 - 2200 2000 - 2010 Welcome & Introductions 2010 - 2040 Review of Advisory Team Results & Recommendations (participants are urged to review material at:) 2040 - 2050 SNMP v3 WG Charter Review 2050 - 2145 Initial Review of SNMPv3 (aka: SNMPng) Architecture I-D Architectural Model for the Next Generation Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPng) 2145 - 2200 Session Summary April 10, 1997 Thursday Afternoon Session I, 1300 - 1500 1300 - 1310 Welcome & Summary of Wednesday Evening Session 1310 - 1340 Continue Review of SNMPv3 (aka: SNMP-ng) Architecture I-D Architectural Model for the Next Generation Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPng) 1340 - 1430 Review of Local Processing Module I-D Local Processing Model for the Next Generation Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPng) 1430 - 1450 Definition of Work Items and Identification of Volunteers 1450 - 1500 Meeting Summary