Internet Mail Extensions (smtpext) ---------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 31-Aug-95 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): Ned Freed John Klensin Applications Area Director(s): Keith Moore Harald Alvestrand Applications Area Advisor: Keith Moore Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: In Body: in body: sub ietf-smtp Firstname Lastname Archive:* Description of Working Group: The SMTP Extensions Working Group is chartered to develop extensions to the base SMTP protocol (RFC821) to facilitate the more efficient transmission of 8 bit text and binary data. Among the extensions to be considered to SMTP are the elimination of the ASCII text character restriction and line length restriction to allow the sending of arbitrary 8 bit character sets, and the definition of mechanisms to facilitate binary transmission, and extensions to the negotiation sequence to facilitate batch transmission. Goals and Milestones: Done Review the Charter of the Group. Determine if changes to SMTP are necessary. Discuss the needs for backward compatability, and interoperability. This discussion will be held by email. Done Discuss the issues involved with binary transmission. Determine whether a ``binary'' mode should be pursued, and whether the SMTP line length restriction should be eliminated. Done Discuss the elimination of the 7 bit restrictions in SMTP, and the implications of removing this restriction in terms of interoperation. Done Write a document specifying the changes to SMTP agreed to by the Group. Post as an Internet-Draft. Done Review and finalize the SMTP Extensions document. Done Submit the SMTP Extensions document as a Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1428 Feb 93 Transition of Internet Mail from Just-Send-8 to 8Bit-SMTP/MIME RFC1652 DS Jul 94 SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport RFC1870 S Nov 95 SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration RFC1869 S Nov 95 SMTP Service Extensions