P. Internet Protocol (pip) -------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 28-Feb-94 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): Paul Tsuchiya IP: Next Generation Area Director(s): Scott Bradner Allison Mankin IP: Next Generation Area Advisor: Scott Bradner Mailing Lists: General Discussion:pip@thumper.bellcore.com To Subscribe: pip-request@thumper.bellcore.com Archive: thumper.bellcore.com:~/pub/tsuchiya/pip-archive Description of Working Group: The PIP Working Group is chartered to develop an IPng proposal using the basic ideas of PIP as described in the PIP overview. PIP is designed on one hand to be very general, being able to handle many routing/addressing/flow paradigms, but on the other hand to allow for relatively fast forwarding. PIP has the potential to allow for better evolution of the Internet. In particular, it is hoped that we will be able to advance routing, addressing, and flow techniques without necessarily having to change hosts (once hosts are running PIP). While the PIP overview demonstrates a number of powerful mechanisms, much work remains to be done to bring PIP to a full specification. This work includes, but is not limited to, specifying the header format; specifying a basic set of error messages (PCMP messages); specifying the PIP forwarding rules; specifying host interface messages (particularly the directory service query response); specifying rules for host PIP header construction; specifying modifications to existing protocols for use with PIP (BGP-4, OSPF, ARP, DNS, etc.); specifying PIP MTU discovery techniques; and specifying a transition strategy for PIP. Over the near-term, the goal of the PIP Working Group will be to produce these specifications and supporting documentation. Over the long-term, up to the point where PIP is definitively rejected as IPng, it is expected that the PIP Working Group will oversee implementations and testing of the PIP specifications. Except to the extent that the PIP Working Group modifies existing protocols for operation with PIP, and to the extent that the PIP Working Group must be aware of routing/addressing/flow architectures to really make PIP general, the PIP Working Group will not work on routing/addresing/flow architectures. Goals and Milestones: Done Review and approval of the Charter for the PIP Working Group. Done Post as an Internet-Draft a description of the PIP Packet Format and Forwarding Engine, the PIP Control Message Protocol (PCMP), the PIP Host Interface Message Protocol, and the PIP MTU Discovery Protocol. Oct 92 Post as an Internet-Draft a description of the modifications to BGP-4 for PIP, the Modifications to OSPF for PIP, and the modifications to ARP for PIP. Done Presentation and review of the PIP specification by the IESG. If acceptable, the first Working Group meeting will be held. Done Post as an Internet-Draft the modifications to DNS for PIP, the Address assignment in PIP, and the PIP transition strategy. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1621 May 94 Pip Near-term Architecture RFC1622 May 94 Pip Header Processing