Open Shortest Path First IGP (ospf) ----------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 24-Oct-97 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): John Moy Routing Area Director(s): Joel Halpern Routing Area Advisor: Joel Halpern Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The OSPF Working Group will develop and field-test an SPF-based Internal Gateway Protocol. The specification will be published and written in such a way so as to encourage multiple vendor implementations. Goals and Milestones: Jun 96 Complete OSPF for IPv6 specification and submit to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Jun 96 Document current usage, update OSPFv2 and submit to IESG for consideration as a Standard. Dec 96 Develop OSPF for IPv6 MIB and submit to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Dec 96 Submit Internet-Draft on ISPF extensions of IPv6 to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Jun 97 Update OSPF for IPv6 based on implementation experience, and submit to IESG for consideration as a Draft Standard. Done Gather operational experience with the OSPF protocol and submit the document as an Informational RFC. Done Develop multiple implementations, and test against each other. Done Obtain performance data for the protocol. Done Design the routing protocol, and write its specification. Done Make changes to the specification (if necessary) and publish the protocol as a Draft Standard RFC. Jun 98 Submit OSPF for IPv6 to IESG for consideration as a Standard. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Dec 95 Mar 97 OSPF for IPv6 Dec 95 May 97 The OSPF Opaque LSA Option Nov 96 May 97 OSPF Standardization Report Mar 97 Jun 97 The OSPF NSSA Option Aug 97 New The OSPF Address Resolution Advertisement Option Oct 97 New OSPFv2 Domain Of Interpretation (DOI) for ISAKMP Oct 97 New SPF over ATM and Proxy PAR Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1245 Aug 91 OSPF Protocol Analysis RFC1246 Aug 91 Experience with the OSPF Protocol RFC1586 Mar 94 Guidelines for Running OSPF Over Frame Relay Networks RFC1587 PS Mar 94 The OSPF NSSA Option RFC1765 E Mar 95 OSPF Database Overflow RFC1793 PS Apr 95 Extending OSPF to Support Demand Circuits RFC1850 DS Nov 95 OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base RFC2096 PS Jan 97 IP Forwarding Table MIB RFC2178 DS Jul 97 OSPF Version 2