CURRENT_MEETING_REPORT_ Reported by Dana Sitzler/Merit NISI Minutes Agenda o Review of Activities o Discussion of Draft Document 2 Announcement: Due to new job commitments, Dana is looking for a Co-Chair for this Working Group. If anyone is interested, contact her ( or Joyce Reynolds ( Discussion: The meeting began by re-evaluating what the group is trying to do. The group was originally developing a set of requirements/recommendations for a network information services infrastructure. The last meeting took us in a different direction which produced a draft of guidelines for Network Information Centers (NICs). This meeting began with re- assessing if this was the appropriate direction. The group decided that the first step in defining a network information services infrastructure is to define what a NIC is and the function it performs. This will ensure some minimum level of service from NICs in the community. The next step is to establish some guidelines for sharing information between NICs. The group agreed to take the existing draft guidelines document and expand it to more accurately define and describe a NIC. The information about existing NICs (discussed at our first meeting) will also be incorporated. The group then defined the audience for the revised document. The stated audience will include existing NICs, people wanting to start NICs, Network Operations Centers (NOCs), and funding agencies. The stated purpose of the document is to establish a base set of requirements for establishing services and to assist those considering implementing a new NIC. The ultimate goal is to make it easier for users to get information from NICs. The remaining time was spent defining the 1 components of a NIC. 2 The session ended with agreement to the following action plan: o A new draft will be distributed to the NISI mailing list within the next 2 weeks. o The document will be discussed and reviewed on the mailing list. o The draft will be revised based on comments received (Volunteer revisors: Marc Sheldon, Gary Malkin, Joan Thompson, Karen McKelvey). o The draft will be distributed to the USWG mailing list for comments. o A near final-form document will be ready prior to the next IETF meeting in March. Attendees Randy Butler Fred Engel Ole Jacobsen Darren Kinley Gary Malkin Karen McKelvey Mark Needleman Joyce Reynolds Karen Roubicek Michael Schwartz Tim Seaver Marc Sheldon Dana Sitzler Pat Smith Joanie Thompson 3