IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts WG (mobileip) Tuesday, August 12 at 1545-1800 Thursday, August 14 at 0900-1130 ================================ Chair: Jim Solomon Erik Nordmark AGENDA: Note that some of the agenda items on Tuesday are tentative since the named individuals might not make it to Munich. Mobile IPv4 (TUESDAY, August 12, 1997, 1545-1800) ================================================= 1. RFC 2002 errors and ambiguities, Jim Solomon, Motorola. 20min. 2. RFC 2006 errors and ambiguities, David Cong, Lucent. 20min. 3. Interoperability Experience? Deployment Experience? CMU? PSU? 20min. 4. Reverse Tunneling [draft-ietf-mobileip-tunnel-reverse-02.txt] Gabriel Montenegro, SUN. 20min. 5. Firewall Traversal [draft-ietf-mobileip-firewall-trav-00.txt] Vipul Gupta, SUN and/or Steve Glass, FTP. 20min. 6. Security-Oriented Extension to Mobile IP (SOMIP) [draft-chuahli-mobileip-somip-00.txt], Milo Osric, Lucent. 20min. 7. Tunnel Establishment Protocol [draft-calhoun-tep-01.txt] Pat Calhoun, 3Com and/or Charlie Perkins, SUN. 20min 8. Route Optimization in Mobile IP [draft-ietf-mobileip-optim-05.txt] Dave Johnson, CMU and/or Charlie Perkins, SUN. 20+min Mobile IPv6 (THURSDAY, August 14, 1997, 0900-1130) ================================================== 1. Mobility Support in IPv6 [draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-03.txt] Dave Johsnson, CMU and/or Charlie Perkins, SUN. open-ended