Internet Printing Protocol WG (ipp) Tuesday, April 8 at 09:00 - 11:30 ================================= DESCRIPTION: The goal of this new working group is to develop requirements for Internet Printing and to describe a model and semantics for Internet Printing. The further goal is to define a new application level Internet Printing Protocol for the following core functions: - for a user to find out about a printer's capabilities - for a user to submit print jobs to a printer - for a user to find out the status of a printer or a print job - for a user to cancel a previously submitted job The Internet Printing Protocol is a client-server type protocol which should allow the server side to be either a separate print server or a printer with embedded networking capabilities. The focus of this effort is optimized for printers, but might be applied to other output devices. These are outside the scope of this working group. The working group will also define a set of directory attributes that can be used to ease finding printers on the network. Security features for authentication, authorization, and policies for the IPP environment will also be studied and documented. The focus of this meeting will be to liaise with other IETF WGs on protocol and security approaches for IPP. AGENDA: 1) Introduction of WG Charter and current Internet-Drafts (20 min) 2) Solicit feedback on Protocol for IPP (50 min) 3) Solicit feedback on Security for IPP (50 min) 4) Solicit feedback on Requirements for IP (10 min) 5) Solicit feedback on Model and Semantics for IPP (10 min)