IPNG (ipngwg) ------------- Charter Last Modified: 28-Oct-97 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Bob Hinden Steve Deering Internet Area Director(s): Jeffrey Burgan Thomas Narten Internet Area Advisor: Jeffrey Burgan Mailing Lists: General Discussion:ipng@sunroof.eng.sun.com To Subscribe: majordomo@sunroof.eng.sun.com In Body: in body: subscribe ipng Archive: ftp://playground.sun.com/pub/ipng/mail-archive Description of Working Group: Editor: Bob Hinden (hinden@eng.sun.com) The next generation of the Internet Protocol (IPv6) is intended to support Internet traffic for many years into the future by providing enhancements over the capabilities of the existing IPv4 service. This working group will produce specifications for the core functionality of that service. The working group shall carry out the recommendations of the IPng Area Directors as outlined at the July 1994 IETF and in ``The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol,'' Internet-Draft, (draft-ipng-recommendation-00.txt), September 1994. The working group shall use the following documents as the basis of its work: - Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) Specification (128 bit version) - SIPP Addressing Architecture - An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast Address Allocation - Simple SIPP Transition (SST) Overview - SIPP Program Interfaces for BSD Systems - SIPP Security Architecture - SIPP Authentication Header - SDRP Routing Header for SIPP-16 - IP Next Generation Overview - ICMP and IGMP extensions for SIPP - FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR) - DNS Extensions to support SIPP Enhancements to be considered: - Large Packets: Consider extensions for support of datagrams which are larger than 64K. - Source Routing: The working group shall consider enhanced source routing capabilities for IPng. - Tunneling: Complete specification of IPng in IPng tunneling. - Address format and assignment plan: The working group shall review the details of address structure as specified in [SIPP-16] and shall repair any deficiencies with respect to current or near-term addressing requirements, assuming a fixed, 16-byte size. The specification shall provide a mechanism for supporting multiple additional formats, for possible enhancement to incorporate other popular addressing schemes. - Routing Structure: In completing the addressing details, the working group shall ensure that routing according to current, CIDR-like schemes can be supported comfortably. - Autoconfiguration: Coordinate with the IPng Address Autoconfiguration Working Group. - Transition: The working group shall coordinate with the related transition and conversion efforts (ngtrans, tacit, nosi, etc.) to ensure that the base specification provides the facilities required for the transition from IPv4. - Security: A set of base documents for IPng security shall be completed. This shall include algorithms for authentication and privacy carried as IPng extension headers and include an initial selection of required encryption and key management algorithms and a facility to support other optional algorithms. The working group should also examine IPng firewall issues and if necessary develop specific firewall frameworks. - Minimum MTU: Consider a larger minimum MTU. - Header Compression: Consider ways to abbreviate the IPng header in the contexts of native IPng, multiple IPng packets in a flow, and encapsulated IPng. - TCP/UDP: The IPng Working Group will specify the procedures for hosts to compute and verify TCP/UDP pseudo-headers. Any other changes to TCP beyond making TCP work with IPng are out of scope of the working group and should be dealt with by a TCPng Working Group. The IPng Working Group will coordinate with other groups, including Mobile IP, IPng Address Autoconfiguration, OSPF, IS-IS, RIPv2, IDR, Security, Applications, Network Management, IP over ATM, etc. Goals and Milestones: Done Submit preliminary IPng core specifications, with required enhancements, as Internet-Drafts. Done Submit revised core IPng specifications as Internet-Drafts. Done Submit core IPng specifications to IESG for consideration as Proposed Standards. Done Submit extended IPng specifications as Internet-Drafts. Done Submit extended IPng specifications to IESG for consideration as Proposed Standards. Done Submit revised specifications to IESG based on implementation experience for consideration as Draft Standards. Done Submit revised IPng specifications as Internet-Drafts. Done Submit final IPng specifications to IESG for consideration as Standards. Aug 97 Submit revised specifications to IESG for Proposed Standard. Includes Aggregatable Unicast Formats, IPv6 over Ethernet, IPv6 over FDDI, IPv6 over Token Ring, IPv6 over PPP, Header Compression, etc. Aug 97 Submit updated core IPng Specifications to IESG for Draft Standard. Includes: Protocol, Addressing Architecture, Addressing Documents, ICMP, Neighbor Discovery, Address Auto Configuration, DNS, etc. Jan 98 Submit IPng specifications at Proposed Standard to IESG for advancement to Draft Standard. Jun 98 Submit IPng specifications at Draft Standard to IESG for advancement to Standard. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Nov 95 Jun 97 Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6 Specification Jun 96 Jan 97 Link Local Addressing and Name Resolution in IPv6 Jun 96 Jul 97 IPv6 Router Alert Option Oct 96 Jul 97 IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments Dec 96 Jul 97 IP Version 6 over PPP Feb 97 Jun 97 Management Information Base for IP Version 6: Textual Conventions and General Group Feb 97 Mar 97 Management Information Base for IP Version 6: ICMPv6 Group Feb 97 Mar 97 Management Information Base for IP Version 6: UDP and TCP Groups Feb 97 New GSE - An Alternate Addressing Architecture for IPv6 Mar 97 Sep 97 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over FDDI Networks Mar 97 Sep 97 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks Mar 97 New Synthesis of Routing Goop and AAAA Records in IPv6 Mar 97 New IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture Mar 97 Sep 97 Separating Identifiers and Locators in Addresses: An Analysis of the GSE Proposal for IPv6 Mar 97 Jul 97 Router Renumbering for IPv6 May 97 Jul 97 An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format May 97 Oct 97 IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture May 97 Jul 97 IPv6 Testing Address Allocation Jun 97 New IP Version 6 Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol Jun 97 New IP Version 6 Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol Jun 97 Oct 97 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Token Ring Networks Jul 97 New TLA and NLA Assignment Rules Jul 97 Jul 97 IPv6 Name Lookups Through ICMP Jul 97 New Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) Jul 97 New IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration Jul 97 New Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification Jul 97 New Site prefixes in Neighbor Discovery Oct 97 New Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1886 PS Jan 96 DNS Extensions to support IP version 6 RFC1885 PS Jan 96 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) RFC1884 PS Jan 96 IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture RFC1887 Jan 96 An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast Address Allocation RFC1897 E Jan 96 IPv6 Testing Address Allocation RFC1981 PS Aug 96 Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6 RFC1970 PS Aug 96 Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) RFC1972 PS Aug 96 A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks RFC1888 E Aug 96 OSI NSAPs and IPv6 RFC2019 PS Oct 96 Transmission of IPv6 Packets Over FDDI RFC2023 PS Oct 96 IP Version 6 over PPP RFC2073 PS Jan 97 An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format RFC2133 Apr 97 Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 RFC2147 PS May 97 TCP and UDP over IPv6 Jumbograms