IP Over Large Public Data Networks (iplpdn) ------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 27-Jan-94 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): George Clapp Internet Area Director(s): Jeffrey Burgan Thomas Narten Internet Area Advisor: Thomas Narten Mailing Lists: General Discussion:iplpdn@cnri.reston.va.us To Subscribe: iplpdn-request@cnri.reston.va.us Archive: ietf.cnri.reston.va.us:~/ietf-mail-archive/iplpdn/* Description of Working Group: The IP over Large Public Data Networks Working Group will specify the operation of the TCP/IP protocol suite over Public Data Networks (PDNs) such as SMDS, ISDN, X.25 PDNs, and Frame Relay. The working group will develop and define algorithms for the resolution of IP addresses and for the routing of IP datagrams over large, potentially global, public data networks. The IP over SMDS Working Group has defined the operation of the Internet protocols when SMDS is used to support relatively small virtual private networks, or Logical IP Subnets (LISs). Issues arising from public and global connectivity were delegated to the IPLPDN Working Group. The IPLPDN Working Group will also continue the work of the Private Data Network Routing Working Group (PDNROUT) on X.25 PDNs. This work will be extended to include call management and the use of the ISDN B channels for the transport of IP datagrams. Address resolution and routing over Frame Relay will also be discussed. Goals and Milestones: Dec 90 Routing of IP datagrams across very large public data networks such as SMDS and Frame Relay. Dec 90 Address resolution of Internet addresses to SMDS E.164 addresses, to ISDN E.164 addresses, to X.121 addresses, and to Frame Relay Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCIs). The algorithm(s) may be defined in either a single or in multiple documents. Done Establish priorities and dates of completion for documents. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1293 PS Jan 92 Inverse Address Resolution Protocol RFC1356 PS Aug 92 Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the Packet Mode RFC1433 E Mar 93 Directed ARP RFC1490 DS Jul 93 Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay