IP over Cable Data Network (ipcdn) ---------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 29-Jul-97 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Mike St. Johns Masuma Ahmed Internet Area Director(s): Jeffrey Burgan Thomas Narten Internet Area Advisor: Jeffrey Burgan Mailing Lists: General Discussion:ipcdn@terayon.com To Subscribe: ipcdn-request@terayon.com Archive: ftp://ftp.terayon.com/pub/ipcdn Description of Working Group: The goal of the IPCDN WG is to define how the Internet Protocol (IP) is to be supported on a Cable Television (CATV) Data Network. The working group will prepare a framework and requirements document describing a typical CATV infrastructure and how an IP based network might be architected to utilize this infrastructure. It will also address the service interface between IP and the CATV Data Network. The architecture document will discuss the technical details related to the differences between symmetric and asymmetric CATV Data Networks. A terms of reference document will also be published. Currently, there are no standards available for supporting IP over a CATV Data Network. The IEEE 802.14 WG is chartered to specify the physical layer and data link layer protocols for the CATV Data Network. However, this does not address the issue of mapping higher level protocols onto the hybrid fiber coax (HFC) access networks. The IPCDN WG will define a specification of how IP is mapped onto HFC access networks. Both IPv4 and IPv6 will be addressed, although in separate documents. The following topics will be discussed: multicast, broadcast, address mapping and resolution (for IPv4) and neighbor discovery (for IPv6). The IPCDN WG will also address issues related to network management, especially as they concern HFC access networks. It is expected that other services (i.e. DHCP, RSVP, IPSEC, etc.) will operate unmodified. Also, depending on the capabilities provided by cable data network service, specific mappings of RSVP service classes to lower layer services might be desirable. If additional capabilities become necessary, these will be directed to the appropriate group. The IPCDN WG will also keep informed on what other groups in the industry are doing as it relates to the work of this working group. The WG is chartered to deliver the following set of documents: - informational RFCs covering the framework, architecture, requirements and terms of reference for Cable Data Networks. - an IPv4-over-HFC access network document covering the mapping of IP over RF channels, encapsulation and framing of IPv4 packets, IP to modem and/or PC address resolution, multicast, and broadcast. - an IPv6-over-HFC access network document covering the mapping of IP over RF channels , encapsulation and framing of IPv6 packets, IP to modem and/or PC address resolution, neighbor discovery, multicast, and broadcast. - a media-specific mib for managing HFC spectrum. - a mib for managing cable data network service including management of IP over cable data network. Goals and Milestones: Sep 96 Post Internet-Draft on CATV data network architecture framework and terminology document. Sep 96 Post Internet-Draft on IP over CATV data network service (IPC) document. Dec 96 Meet at San Jose IETF meeting to review the two Internet-Drafts and finalize any changes to the architecture framework document. Jan 97 Submit the architecture framework I-D to IESG for publication as an Informational RFC. Feb 97 Post I-D on the cable data network MIB/architecture document. Feb 97 Post I-D on the mailing list on the requirements document with pointers to the IETF standards. Feb 97 Post I-D on the HFC spectrum management MIB/architecture document. Apr 97 Begin the WG last call on the IP over CATV I-D. Apr 97 Met at Memphis IETF to finalize review of the IP over CATV requirements, review the document on pointers to the IETF standards and the MIB/architecture documents. Aug 97 Begin last call on the requirements document on pointer to the IETF standards and the MIB documents. Aug 97 Submit the IP over CATV to IESG for publication as an RFC Aug 97 Finalize review of the requirements document on pointers to the IETF standards and the MIBs. Dec 97 Conclude Working Group. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Jul 97 Sep 97 Cable Device Management Information Base for MCNS compliant Cable Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems Jul 97 Sep 97 Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Management Information Base for MCNS compliant RF interfaces Jul 97 New IP Over Cable Data Networks - Terms of Reference Jul 97 New Logical IP Subnetworks over IEEE 802.14 Services Aug 97 New Logical IP Subnetworks over MCNS Data Link Services Request For Comments: None to date.