IP Over IEEE 1394 (ip1394) -------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 24-Oct-97 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Tony Li Myron Hattig Internet Area Director(s): Jeffrey Burgan Thomas Narten Internet Area Advisor: Jeffrey Burgan Mailing Lists: General Discussion:ip1394@mailbag.intel.com To Subscribe: listserv@mailbag.intel.com In Body: subscribe ip1394 Archive: listserv@mailbag.intel.com. In body, get ip1394 LOGyymm Description of Working Group: The goal of the IP1394 Working Group is to define how the Internet Protocol (IPv4 & IPv6) is supported over IEEE 1394 Serial Bus. IEEE 1394 Serial Bus (1394) is specified by IEEE Std 1394-1995 and the draft standard IEEE P1394a. The IP1394 working group intends for the specification to be utilized by devices with a broad range of capabilities. These devices are expected to include (but not be limited to) both traditional equipment such as computers, as well as equipment that has not traditionally been networked, such as consumer electronics (e.g. TVs & VCRs). Unlike most other data link protocols, IEEE 1394 provides the capability for isochronous as well as asynchronous transmission. This capability can have a significant impact on how IP is supported on 1394. The IP1394 working group will prepare an architecture document and appropriate protocol documents for the usage of these unique link layer properties. Both IPv4 and IPv6 will be addressed, although in separate documents. The IP1394 working group is chartered to deliver the documents described below. The working group will maintain informal liaison with other standards groups and industry organizations doing related work. Some of these documents may depend upon facilities not currently standardized in 1394. If necessary, working group members will work within the IEEE standards process to request modification or extension of existing IEEE standards (or standards in development). The deliverable documents are as follows: - An architecture document detailing the interactions between 1394 asynchronous and isochronous transmissions, resource reservation and multicast. - An IPv4 over 1394 document covering the encapsulation and framing of IPv4 unicast, multicast and broadcast packets over asynchronous and isochronous 1394, including address resolution. - An IPv6 over 1394 document covering the encapsulation and framing of IPv6 unicast, multicast and broadcast packets over asynchronous and isochronous 1394, including neighbor discovery. - A media-specific MIB for managing 1394 interfaces. Goals and Milestones: Jul 97 Meet to evaluate the various proposals presented for the transmission of IP over 1394. Also discuss interaction document. Aug 97 Meet in Munich to further discuss the propoals. Sep 97 Post Internet-Draft for the architecture document. Sep 97 Post Internet-Draft for IP(v4) over 1394. Dec 97 Meet in Wash., D,C. to discuss implementation experiences. Apr 98 Submit architecture document as an Informational RFC. Apr 98 Submit IP(v4) over 1394 for publication as a Proposed Standard. Jun 98 Post Internet-Draft for IP(v6) over 1394. Jun 98 Post Internet-Draft for a 1394 specific MIB. Dec 98 Shut down working group Dec 98 Submit 1394 specific MIB for publication as a Proposed Standard. Dec 98 Submit IP(v6) over 1394 for publication as a Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Jul 97 Oct 97 Ipv4 over IEEE 1394 Request For Comments: None to date.