HyperText Transfer Protocol Monday, December 9, 1000-1130 Tuesday, December 10, 0900-1130 =============================== AGENDA: Draft HTTP working group Agenda for December 1996 Meeting See 37th IETF Agenda for details of the full schedule. Monday, December 9, 10:00-11:30 30 min Discussion of HTTP/1.1 Implementation Experiences Development of HTTP/1.1 issues list Report from people trying to implement HTTP/1.1 to talk about their experiences, difficulties with the spec, questions. Topics identified so far: * Version number of response to HTTP/1.0 request * Content-disposition (give filename for downloaded files) * Warning headers and revalidation 60 min Content negotiation Andy Mutz: discussion of drafts. * draft-holtman-http-negotiation-04.txt * draft-mutz-http-attributes-02.txt * draft-ietf-http-feature-reg-00.txt * Yaron Goland draft on display attributes Tuesday, December 10, 9:00-10:50 20 min Hit Metering Jeff Mogul: draft-mogul-http-hit-metering-00.txt. Issues: * Cache-Control: "end-clients can cache for N>0 but proxies must revalidate", e.g., proxy-max-age * Applicability statement * Use of connection header 10 min Safe POST / GET-with-body draft-holtman-http-safe-01.txt 30 min Reports from other HTTP-related working groups * Mike Spreitzer: HTTP-NG report * Harrie Hazewinkel: Definitions of Managed Objects for WWW Servers (draft-ietf-applmib-wwwmib-00.txt), being processesed by APPLMIB on Wednesday, Dec 11, 1300-1500 * Rich Petke: new authentication (draft-petke-http-auth-scheme-00.txt) * Eric Whitehead: Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WEBDAV), to be discussed Wednesday, Dec 11, 0900-1130 * Carl-Uno Manros: Internet Printing Protocol, to be discussed Thursday, Dec 12, 1300-1500 20 min Other issues * HTTP over multicast (draft-aboba-rtp-http-01.txt)? * Use of HTTP for network management (draft-mellquist-web-sys-01.txt) * HTTP security (Whither SHTTP?) 20 min Status and Plans Assess group status, charter milestones, and solicit opinions about where we should go from here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments, suggestions to Larry Masinter ================================================================ Please volunteer to take minutes. (We do better when we have two people taking notes who then combine them.) Minutes need to include the topics discussed, considerations raised, and any conclusions, but not a blow-by-blow of who said what. If you volunteer to take minutes, I can forward you the requirements.