DNS IXFR, Notification, and Dynamic Update (dnsind) --------------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 24-Oct-97 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Randy Bush Internet Area Director(s): Jeffrey Burgan Thomas Narten Internet Area Advisor: Jeffrey Burgan Mailing Lists: General Discussion:namedroppers@internic.net To Subscribe: namedroppers-request@internic.net Archive: ftp://rs.internic.net/archives/namedroppers Description of Working Group: The DNS Incremental Transfer, Notification, and Dynamic Update Working Group is concerned with three areas of future DNS protocol development: 1. Incremental Zone Transfer - As the sizes of some zone files have grown quite large, it is believed that a protocol addition to allow the transfer of only the changed subset of a zone will reduce net traffic and the load on critical servers. 2. Change Notification - There can be large time intervals during which at least one secondary has data that is inconsistent with the primary. The proposed ``notify'' mechanism (where the primary sends a message to known secondaries) facilitates fast convergence of servers vis-a-vis consistency of data in the zones. 3. Dynamic Update - The need to frequently update small portions of a large zone and to have those updates propagate is perceived. Goals and Milestones: Done Consolidated review of draft-ietf-dns-ixfr-01.txt. Done Submit Incremental Transfer and Notify Internet-Drafts. Done Submit revised Incremental Transfer and Notify Internet-Drafts. Apr 96 Submit Dynamic Update, Incremental Transfer, and Notify Internet-Drafts to the IESG for consideration as Proposed Standards. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ May 95 May 97 Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation Nov 96 Apr 97 The Kitchen Sink Resource Record Jan 97 Oct 97 Negative Caching of DNS Queries (DNS NCACHE) Jul 97 Oct 97 Test and Example Top Level Domain Names Aug 97 Oct 97 Local DNS Names Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1995 PS Aug 96 Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS RFC1996 PS Aug 96 A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY) RFC1982 PS Sep 96 Serial Number Arithmetic RFC2136 PS Apr 97 Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE) RFC2181 PS Aug 97 Clarifications to the DNS Specification RFC2182 Aug 97 Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers